For Euro Truck Simulator 2 (ETS 2 Mods)
Last updated on:
Please visit our Homepage for new Updates and fixes.
For Game Version:
1.35, 1.36, 1.37, 1.38, 1.39, 1.40, 1.41, 1.42, 1.43, 1.44, 1.45, 1.46, 1.47, 1.48, 1.49
My Mods includes together :
- Added Real Licence Plates for all countrys.
- Added more traffic in City’s
- Added reflectors on delineators in some countrys.
- Added new Loadingscreens
- Added new AI Vehicle Lights
- Added LED Dangerous Turn signals by Satan19990 ( Premission and credits by Satan)
- Added 3 AI Cars speed variants :
- -> 80 km/h
- -> 110 ~ 135 km/h
- -> 160 ~ 200 km/h
- Added 2 AI Truck speed variants :
- -> 6×4 Trucks = 70 – 80 km/h
- -> 4×2 Trucks = 90 km/h
- Added more Trafficlights and circles
- Added Real Speedlimits in all Country’s
- Added some Environment changes
- Added many Sounds for mover,Companies, Ai Traffic and Environment
- Added new Rain Particles for the Wheels.
- Added new raindrops and increases the number of drops.
- Added new Rain Sound Effects.
- Added new Main screen music by D.B Creation
- Added our own Trailer Skin with our Logo
- Changed many Textures In-Game e.g Roads, Surfaces, Decals and Terrains
- Changed Map Zoom for Map Mod user
- Changed Economy Data
- Changed Traffic Light Circles.
- Changed all traffic and vehicle flares and improved.
- Changed Traffic Spawn distance
- Corrected behavior of AI trucks and cars.
- Corrected maximum speeds for cars.
- Improved AI traffic characteristics.
- Improved traffic behavior in the traffic circle and minor bug fixes.
- Increased vision coverage for AI traffic.
- Increased visibility of warning signs. (Flares)
- Increased visibility of traffic lights. (Flares)
- Increased Interior sound volume.
- Traffic was greatly increased.
- Traffic flow improved education of traffic jam.
- Unlocked all AI Cars, Trucks & Trailers in each country.
- Unlocked all AI Cars & Truck colors in traffic.
- Unlocked all hidden France Paintjobs for AI Traffic Trailer.
D.B Creation Dev Team Germany
Managing Director:
Dustin Banduch
Fritz-Reuter-Str.12, 42897 Remscheid / Germany
VAT number: DE321424762
ETS 2 mods by D.B Creation Dev Team Germany
are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial - No Derivative 4.0 International License.
Based on the work of
SCS Software S.R.O
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#ets2, #ets2 mods, #Mods, #db creation, #real, #Euro Truck Simulator2, #2022,
D.B Creation Dev Team
13 Feb 07:39Version 2024
- Compatible now with 1.49
- Adding a lot of new Content. -
15 Nov 09:17Version 10.0.5 [11.11.2022]
- Compatible now with 1.46
- New Traffic Vehicles added.
- New Traffic Rules added and optimized.
- New Traffic Trailer added. -
06 Aug 13:16Version 10.2.5
Comaptible now with ETS2 Game Version 1.45
- Adding new Content to all our Mods. -
19 May 11:24Version 10.0.4
- Verkehrsmenge auf die aktuellen Daten der BAST angepasst
- Anpassungen und Bugfix
- Diverse Prefabs überarbeitet (Italy, Iberia, Germany and more)DEFINITION:
- Neue Fahrzeuge:
--- Oldbus von HoR aktiviert
--- Minibus von HoR aktiviert
--- Neue russische Züge und Wagons aktiviert
--- UAZ 469 + Polizeivariante (HoR) aktiviert- Fahrzeuge überarbeitet:
--- Audi A3
--- 1951 Oldsmobile 88
--- Fiat 500l
--- Alle Polizeifahrzeuge / Krankenwägen auf 1.44 angepasst
--- alle Ducato Varianten
--- Jeep Wrangler
--- Ford Transit
--- Subaru Impreza (Serienwagen)
--- Audi A6
--- Audi A80
--- Ford Mondeo 09
--- Knickbus in Island deaktiviert- Neue Knickbus-Paintjobs:
--- Belgien: Brüssel, Antwerpen
--- Niederlande: Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Arnheim, Groningen
--- Österreich: Innsbruck, Salzburg, Linz, Wien, Graz, Klagenfurt
--- Spanien: Barcelona, Madrid, Saragossa, Bilbao, A Coruna, Burgos, Vigo, Valladolid, Salamanca, Valencia, Muscia, Malaga, Cordoba, Sevilla
--- Portugal: Porto, Coimbra, Lissabon- Events:
--- Baustellen durch Leerstellen aufgelockert
--- Burning D.B Trailer angepasst
--- Neue Ampelgesteuerte Baustellen auf Landstrassen
--- kleine Anpassungen & korrekturen
--- Spawnrate mobiler Blitzer reduziert
--- Random Barrier Events -> Sichtweiten leicht erhöhtWEATHER-MOD:
- komplette Überarbeitung incl. neuen TexturenEnvironment:
- Tankstellen und Mautstationen überarbeitet
- Texturen überarbeitet
- Alte Österreichampeln durch neue ersetzt.
- Majorbugfix (Random invisible walls)
- small bugfixesTRAILER BASE:
- Glas Trailer überarbeitet -> Unterstützt jetzt auch Paintjobs
- Paintjobs überarbeitet (neue SCS Paintjobs aufgenommen und alte aufgehübscht)
- Neue Fracht im Verkehr (Plastik Rohre)TRAILER KRONE:
- Paintjobs überarbeitet (neue SCS Paintjobs aufgenommen und alte aufgehübscht)TRAILER SCHWARZMÜLLER:
- Paintjobs überarbeitet (neue SCS Paintjobs aufgenommen und alte aufgehübscht)TRAILER CUSTOM:
- Neuer Paintjob: WE STAND WITH UKRAINE!Garagen Mod:
- Kleine Anpassungen für das Österreich Rework -
11 Dec 20:43Version 8.7.7 - 10.12.2021
- All Mods are now compatible with ETS 2 Game Version 1.43
22 Oct 20:55Version 8.7.7 - 22.10.2021
- Diverse Änderungen an allen Mods mit neuen Inhalten.
13 Jun 08:15Version 8.7.5 - 13.06.2021
Changes and Bug Fixes can you find on our Forum.
A lot of new ETS2 Content is waiting for you. -
31 Jan 09:54Version 8.0.5
Changelog 25.01.2020
Working Hours 256 total
- Real torque (Nm) added to all vehicles.
- Real electric motor sound added to "Tesla Model S".
- Articulated bus from "DLC Black Sea" added to all cities.
- Various train lengths added.
- Real train data added to the Train's and Trams in the game (e.g. weight, pulling power & maximum speed)
- Customs vehicles for Romania, Turkey & Bulgaria added to the traffic in the countries.
- New texture for the sun.
- Added new company sounds.
- Revised street textures.
- Escort Vehicle added behind Special Transport Traffic Trailer.
- Sweeper added to Traffic (In City's)
- Some Trams and Trains unlocked and added to the Traffic.
- Added Traffic Lights with LED tech. (Balkan and Baltic areas)Updated:
- The weight of all AI vehicles in traffic has been adjusted to the real weight.
- LOD Distances added to all Trains and Wagons.
- Real gear ratios & gear changes adjusted. (e.g. 6-speed manual or automatic)
- Revised the acceleration of all AI vehicles.
- Updated parked vehicles. (Parameter)
- Real paintwork added to vehicles in traffic. (With name and color like metallic etc.)
- Force feedback now works again on some road surfaces.
- Many Problems and Bugs fixed in the AI Behavior (Parameter)
- Spawn density optimized. (Distance Spawn & De-Spawn)
- Traffic Trailer they are longer than normal has now a better movement in curves.
- Optimized Special Rain Effect ( +25% more FPS)
- Traffic Rules for the AI optmized. (Balkan area)
- All Traffic Signs reworked. (Balkan and Baltic areas) -
13 Jun 19:21Version 7.0.0
- Compatible now with 1.35
- Adding a lot of new Features and Traffic Trailers -
09 Feb 09:34Version 6.7.8
Compatible now with 1.34
21 Oct 16:44Version 5.6.8
Please see inside the Zip Folders.
03 Oct 16:59Version 5.6.1
Please see inside the Zip File for more Information about our Mods.
02 Oct 15:27Version 5.6
See inside the Zip File for more information
24 Aug 09:47Version 5.4
Traffic Behavior:
- AI Improvements
- Fixed some minor Bugs
High Traffic Intensity:
- Edit Vehicle Spawn factor of High Traffic Mod (Day & Nighttime Cycle)
- Added more AI vehicles -
17 Apr 09:05Version 5.3
Traffic Behavior:
- Fixed Slow and Stoped Traffic Vehicles
- Fixed License Plate bug in France
- Fixed Overtake Behavior
- Fixed Signs Bugs
- Add new Textures for AI Vehicles
- Add new Flares for AI Vehicles
- AI Improvements
- Fixed some minor BugsTraffic Essentials:
- fixed licence plates in UK and FranceHigh Traffic Intensity:
- Edit Vehicle Spawn factor of High Traffic Mod (Day & Nighttime Cycle)
- Added more AI vehiclesXenon Lights:
- Adding Xenon Flares -
26 Feb 14:37Version 5.2
- Adding 90 new Sounds for Environment & Models
- Adding all available Trailers into Traffic (Traffic Trailer Mod)
- Adding real Weights for Traffic Trailers
- Adding real Weights of Traffic Cars & Busses
- Changed some AI Engine Sounds
- Changed some Tire's of Trailer in Traffic
- Fixed Game Crash in UK
- Fixed slow Trucks.
by D.B Creation
ago almost 4 years
by D.B Creation
ago almost 4 years
by D.B Creation
ago almost 4 years
by D.B Creation
ago about 5 years -
by D.B Creation
ago almost 6 years -
by D.B Creation
ago about 1 year -
by D.B Creation
ago about 5 years