I have written this script because it bothered me that the pipe leibt of the choppers still in one place b despite the new dynamic tilt of Giants.
With this script, the FillAutoAimTargetNode shifts depending on the level to a more "realistic" to produce filling.
Sorry, the script default values. There is also the potential customize each trailer.
Only you must enter the following line in the trailer and adjust xml:
<AdvancedFillAutoAimTargetNode Distance front = "2.5" Distance Back = "2.4" Distance Side = "0.8" Heightfix = "0.2" ShowNode = "false" />
To explain the values:
-DistanceFront Means as far to the front of the trailer is loaded.
-DistanceBack Means how much the trailer is loaded at the back.
-DistanceSide Means how far the left and right trailer is loaded.
-Heightfix Moves the node up or down. Only necessary if the trailer makes trouble loaded. (Board wall is in the way)
-ShowNode Shows in the game in which each trailer with a point on the node.
The starting point is the original position of the FillAutoAimTargetNode (usually the middle of the trailer)
The zip file copy into the Modsordner.
Version 1.3
- Cargo loading wagons by Beast Pack compatible
Various improvements made to the code -
Loaded Finer -
- New option "ShowNode" shall be inserted. (For modders)
Version 1.1
- Hopefully all the bugs away
- Worked on performance
Incorporated data from standard trailers -
- Added new attribute "Heightfix"
- Jacob Carpenter has become the main author.
Version 1.0
Brought -The mod to run
The mods shown in the pictures are private mods and stay private! Mails asking for the mods will be deleted.
Many thanks to Jacob Carpenter. His ideas are simply awesome!
mjk, Jacob Tischler-
26 Apr 22:48Version 1.3.1
richtige Version hochgeladen
26 Apr 22:01Version 1.3
Detailierteres beladen, Krone Cargo vom Beastpack hinzugefügt.
3 Comments for AdvancedFillAutoAimTargetNode
hello it s possible to put this script in trailers direct? it s for surprise^^
If i want to unload a combine, with mod installed, the game is stopping.
May I suggest some small improvements to the script-code:
- You should probably put the code in the updateTick() method, instead of the update() method, as I guess it is not required to update the target-node at _every_ frame-update (i.e. many-many-many times per second). The updateTick() method is called less times per second, but should suffice for your mod's purpose.
- Probably also verify that the 'self.fillAutoAimTargetNode' has a value, and is not nil. So only when it has a value, the get/setTranslation() can be called, without causing errors.
- You could use some 'elseif' to make an 'if ... then .. elseif ... then ... elseif ... then ... end', as when the first expression testing against 'loadInPercent' is true, there would be no need to test the remaining 'if statements'.
- There are some "gaps" in your 'loadInPercent' if-expression tests. What happens when 'loadInPercent' has a value of 20.5 or 40.2 or 68.99? None of the 'if statements' will then match as I see it.