A Collection Of Things

V 1.1.2 mod for SnowRunner

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If you hit me with a negative review please tell me why/what you didn't like. The goal is to have a mod backed by what an active community wants.

This is probably about where most people are gonna stop reading so, real quick before I completely lose you, scroll down and comment a suggestion of a change you'd like to see in the game. If it's it something relatively small and you don't want what will become the myriad of changes this mod is/will be I'll be happy to post just the files required for the change requested

Brief Description of the 'mod' as a whole

What I'm going for here is mainly quality of life changes and reworking late-game progression, I've noticed that as you cruise into later ranks the unlocks become overall lamer as you get higher and higher. This mod will, in time, correct that. If this mod gains some actual follow-ship it will quickly move to a crowd-sourced collection of changes meaning that the more people that ask for a change the more likely the change becomes. That means I'll have to stay version current too.

What I'm working on RIGHT NOW

Nothing specific at current, tooling around with the requested changes.

Manual Install ONLY

Don't even know what the subscribe to install button does. I will never mod that way. Well. someone in the comments reminded me that this game was also released on consoles and as such their only option for mods is via the subscribe button So, at current, I don't know what needs to be done on my end to incorporate subscribe to install functionality. If someone enlightens me on what I need to do I will promptly make whatever changes I need to at that point. If no one tells me I'll figure it out eventually.

Installation Instructions

Before you proceed, please for your own sake, make a back-up of your initial.pak(file path listed below)

Have WinRAR.

Technically you don't need it but it's 2020 you should have WinRAR.

Download File.

Replace your file with mine.

Hot-take: If you can't find your file this mod isn't for you. Just kidding, I love you, here's the file path: *WHEREVER_YOU_INSTALLED_THE_GAME*\SnowRunner\en_us\preload\paks\client


Mods with changes I "stole" meaning you don't need both unless you want to be sure it's the other person's changes.

"Fuel capacities based on real data" by ElfVierzehn

They did all the legwork here so honestly they deserve the credit so go like their thing.

"Realistic Transmissions" by eclipse538

Don't download this mod without liking this human's mod he did a lot of numbers.

"Responsive Steering 1.1" by Lo2k

Just a repeated value change that I'll probably edit on a per-vehicle basis later but definitely not now, so go like his mod anyway because he did it first.

"Siraij's Better Tire Pressure" by Siraij

Don't download this mod without liking this human's mod he did a lot of numbers too.

Updates to this mod will be ideally weekly/bi-weekly but I will not flood the Mod.io server(s) with 50+ 80Mb downloads. By the time I get to v1.2.0, v1.0.0 will no longer be available.

Feel free to suggest changes if I CAN AND WANT to, I'll add them.

If there is reasonable request for some changes as opposed to all changes I'll post those changes as a separate download.

i.e. if enough people ask for just the changes I've made to suspensions ill post that as a separate file so you can pick and choose what changes you get. However, they'll will always be with the whole mod in mind.

*Stole is in quotation marks because it's xml data.


  • 14 Jul 16:51
    Version 1.1.2

    Incorporated changes from mods listed in the description
    Scout winches changed
    extended is slightly more
    power is slightly more powerful
    advanced is slightly longer AND stronger and is now battery operated; cost will likely be increased later to compensate
    1.0.0 v2
    Fixed a whoops in the initial version
    some easy changes ported in from tire selection mod
    wheels_heavy_single replaced
    ank_mk38 truck and suspension changes ported for testing
    Edited to Military grade flavor text

    AmericaScout suspensions late-game overhaul
    Heavy duty for international loadstar 1700
    Also messing with the gearbox
    converted to special offroad
    HMMWV kit for Hummer H2
    Muddrunner kit for CK1500
    Rock Crawler kit for Scout 800
    Engines Update
    All torque vaules increased by 20%
    some increased by 20% twice

    Little changes to trucks
    Fixed Freightliner 114SD RWD drive name
    Kodiak given always-on diff lock
    Ck 1500 always on AWD
    removed wheels accidentally left from messing with tire selection mod
    add more tires later
    Ford CLT given engagable AWD
    Royal BM17 might get diff lock
    Also the driver is back because the devs fixed the spastic hands


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3.0 / 15 Votes


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Abonniere A Collection Of Things
Der Mod wird automatisch beim nächsten Start von SnowRunner installiert.
84.4 MB 881

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