I have made you a file has finished, you can switch to the up to 18 courses.
The file makes sense only if one with steering wheels with 6-speed manual transmission driving, such as the Logitech G25, the Logitech G27, or the like
The circuit works as follows:
Odd gears 1-11: Hold both switches NOT
Straight course 2-12: Switch 1 is pressed
Odd gears 13-17: Switch 1 is not pressed, switch 2 is pressed
Straight course 14-18: Hold both switches
You need to select the "Range" circuit
It was tested with the original game, for other Getriebemods that could affect its file, I am not responsible.
- Copy the file in your profile Arrange Circular replaces the file "gearbox_range.sii", secures advance your original file
- Go to Options and click on "Controller Settings"
- There you take the entry helpers and chooses H circuit, then Range
jaiden_worthEDIT: LSBauer
26 Feb 11:44Version 1
by dameon_powlowski
ago about 12 years
by dameon_powlowski
ago about 12 years
by dameon_powlowski
ago about 12 years
by dameon_powlowski
ago about 12 years
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