Download download Mod 'KAWECO Double twin shift'

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4 Comments for KAWECO Double twin shift

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  1. madmex 17. 04 2016

    Is this one working in MP ore only Sp

  2. toall 20. 11 2015

    Hi Smety.j
    Will you tell me where i can find the equitment that you can atach to the trailer?
    Very nice trailers but i mis the equitment Borger FL 1036 6.000 l/min or a Borger FL 1550 pleace tell me where i can find them. 5 stars fram Holland :-)

  3. Warondar69 05. 06 2015

    Big thanks to the Czech Mod Team for another awesome mod. Keep them coming! :o) 5/5

  4. Vanquish081 05. 06 2015

    Error in the line moddesc, the correct line is: "$dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua"
