wo gibbet denn jezt das schneidwerk dazu?
steht doch in der beschreibung. zum mod: ich finde ihn sehr geil gelungen und mal was anderes als nur big x 1000 und 1100 etc.
wo ist das schneitwerk
Very nice mod! Looks good chops well but two things though, it pulls to the left rather hard and it does not turn well with a trailer. Other than that NICE! Good job! four star.
Cool, i guess i'll try later on then, thanks.
Can not get the download to work, keeps saying "can not request a ticket" WHY?
5 Comments for
wo gibbet denn jezt das schneidwerk dazu?
wo ist das schneitwerk
Very nice mod! Looks good chops well but two things though, it pulls to the left rather hard and it does not turn well with a trailer. Other than that NICE! Good job! four star.
Cool, i guess i'll try later on then, thanks.
Can not get the download to work, keeps saying "can not request a ticket" WHY?