Download download Mod 'MAN A Helmer B.V.'

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7 Comments for MAN A Helmer B.V.

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  1. This mod is comming to FS17 by NLD Farmers.
    Follow status topic here:

  2. Cyber 01. 03 2017

    Hi. Could you make him compatible for the FS13?

  3. Hi, can she a trailer for the truck make?
    The truck is really nice!

    1 replies

  4. MintyAUS 29. 08 2016

    Hi, Love the mod, thank you. I am wondering if you could do a version with a Tank on the back to carry Water, Milk, Slurry or Fuel.

  5. poldy66 24. 08 2016

    Fantastic job, and yes, really looking like the real one. Very great work.
    No missings. 5 from 5 stars. Thank you very much.

  6. TheOman 24. 08 2016

    Looks really great but can you tell us what it can carry? and the amount of filling?

    1 replies

  7. henni_ 22. 08 2016

    WOW just like the real thing ! Great work !
