This mod is comming to FS17 by NLD Farmers. Follow status topic here:
Hi. Could you make him compatible for the FS13?
Hi, can she a trailer for the truck make? The truck is really nice!
Trailer is coming this month!
Hi, Love the mod, thank you. I am wondering if you could do a version with a Tank on the back to carry Water, Milk, Slurry or Fuel.
Hi, Fantastic job, and yes, really looking like the real one. Very great work. No missings. 5 from 5 stars. Thank you very much.
Looks really great but can you tell us what it can carry? and the amount of filling?
I opened the file and this is the answer: wheat rape maize barley chaff potato sugarBeet silage woodChips and amount is 39900
We update that soon.
WOW just like the real thing ! Great work !
7 Comments for MAN A Helmer B.V.
This mod is comming to FS17 by NLD Farmers.
Follow status topic here:
Hi. Could you make him compatible for the FS13?
Hi, can she a trailer for the truck make?
The truck is really nice!
Hi, Love the mod, thank you. I am wondering if you could do a version with a Tank on the back to carry Water, Milk, Slurry or Fuel.
Fantastic job, and yes, really looking like the real one. Very great work.
No missings. 5 from 5 stars. Thank you very much.
Looks really great but can you tell us what it can carry? and the amount of filling?
WOW just like the real thing ! Great work !