Download download Mod 'Fendt 936 Vario Pack'

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3 Comments for Fendt 936 Vario Pack

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  1. jetreide38 12. 08 2016

    Hey Jukka!
    at first: THANKS for the beautiful mod! :-)
    I made a 'COW - Edition' of your Fendt 936 Vario and wanna share them with you!
    Maybe you like the 'Cow-Skin' of your tractor too? Let me please know if you like the 'Cow - Edition' of your tractor. - and if you like it: maybe we could find a way to share it with the other users?
    - here is the link to a picture of the cow skin:

    Thank you in advance and keep on the good work!

    2 replies

  2. LS-Horlacher 11. 08 2016

    Hi Jukka .
    First, that's the hottest 936 in LS15 .
    5 of 5 stars .
    Only a few small corrections :
    Have window brought into the correct position the door and the rear end.
    And the flicker eliminated in the speedometer .
    What I have noticed ; the rul have no color .

  3. aegir 15. 05 2016

    nice mod, black beauty version pls no red wheels pls, grey would be much better

    1 replies
