dann versuche mal was anderes,
der kleine schlittenanhänger verursacht das problem der 3 achser.
wenn du in anhängst und den abhängen modus auf "endsperrt" hast ist alles weck also musst du das abhängen wieder "speeren" und dann auf pause "ESC" drücken und dann auf weiter spielen dann sollte alles wieder da sein und das musst du halt immer wieder holen.
hoffe ich konnte dir helfen.
Lg. Chri
Its typical for LS.Portal they upload a mod if there are problems they just ignore you they just don't answer.
How do get a container on the little trailer?
this question is asked many times nobody responds i am sorry to say but if you upload a mod also give support not like this
Yo, yeah sorry mate, i was away with eastern :)
Anyway, just before the container on the truck goes up, then the container coms up a bit, and then you are able to put it onto the trailer.
5 Comments for Beelen Pack Part 1
wo soll´n der clock mod im mod ordner sein find da kein.biite um hilfe.sonst funktioniert alles.danke
Its typical for LS.Portal they upload a mod if there are problems they just ignore you they just don't answer.
How do get a container on the little trailer?
this question is asked many times nobody responds i am sorry to say but if you upload a mod also give support not like this
Super Arbeit! Klasse!
what a truck ..:) so nice and it works..thx....what too say..but GREAT :)
ich find die 2 echt cool lob an den modder!!