Hi ich hab folgendes Problem nach den einbau:
MapBGASilo: bgaSilo.xml can not be found, BGASilo saves not loaded.
Script SchlammLoch v1.0.1-19 by Marhu registered in 73 vehicleTypes! Support on http://marhu.net
C:/Users/Felix Z/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Schoenebeck/scripts/dirtPS/dirt_1.i3d (34.17 ms)
--- loading AutoCombine v4.01 by mogli ---
AutoCombine was inserted on combine_animated
AutoCombine was inserted on combine_animated_crawler
AutoCombine was inserted on combine_cylindered
AutoCombine was inserted on combine
AutoCombine was inserted on selfPropelledPotatoHarvester
*** ChoppedStraw v15.0.05 specialization loading ***
--- loading complexBGA mod V3.03 --- (by upsidedown)
--- loading biogas residues tool as part of BGAextension mod V3.03 ---
--- loading driveControl mod V3.91 (by upsidedown)---
--- fast Forward Mod V1.3 loaded --- (by upsidedown)
--- loading GPS mod V4.21 --- (by upsidedown and gotchTOM)
--- loading greenFertilizer mod V1.0--- (by upsidedown)
--- loading siloExtension mod V2.0 --- (by upsidedown)
--- loading addMultiFruit mod V3.0 --- (by upsidedown)
--- loading multiFruit Module: C:/Users/Felix Z/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//ZZZ_multiFruitModule_Standard/multiFruit_config.xml --- (by upsidedown)
--- loading multiMowing mod V3.0 --- (by upsidedown)
Warning (LUA): Unknown entity id 0 in method name: getNumOfChildren.
LUA call stack:
D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/BaseMission.lua(2207) : getNumOfChildren
=C:/Users/Felix Z/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Schoenebeck/SampleModMap.lua(68) : loadI3D
D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/FSBaseMission.lua(1416) : asyncCallbackFunction
Error: Running LUA method 'loadMapFinished'.
D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/BaseMission.lua(2207) : attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value
Application exit request forced.
Application exit request forced.
Ja hab das Problem gefunden es hat was an der map wo ich es eingebaut habe gefehlt jetzt funktioniert alles
Trotzdem Danke für die Antwort
Mfg Landwirtsachsen
unregistered user
02. 06 2016
danke für die Silos. Habe in der Log diese Einträge gefunden:
Warning (physics): Static actor moved (Kolli1)
Warning: MapBGASilo [silage-silo | id: 213446] UserAttribute /siloAnimClipName/ is set, but Clip not found!
Warning (physics): Static actor moved (Kolli1)
Warning (physics): Static actor moved (Kolli1)
Warning (physics): Static actor moved (Kolli1)
Warning: MapBGASilo [silage-silo | id: 213507] UserAttribute /siloAnimClipName/ is set, but Clip not found!
Warning (physics): Static actor moved (Kolli1)
Warning (physics): Static actor moved (Kolli1)
Diese Einträge habe ich beim alten, wo ich vorsorglich die bgaSilo.xml entfernt habe, sowie bei einem neuen Spielstand.
Die Fehler wurden so eben beseitigt. Der Silo wird jetzt als V1.1 hochgeladen werden.
Beseitigte Fehler:
Warning (physics): Static actor moved (Kolli1)
Warning: MapBGASilo [silage-silo | id: 213507] UserAttribute /siloAnimClipName/ is set, but Clip not found!
3 Comments for BGA Silo
Hi ich hab folgendes Problem nach den einbau:
MapBGASilo: bgaSilo.xml can not be found, BGASilo saves not loaded.
Script SchlammLoch v1.0.1-19 by Marhu registered in 73 vehicleTypes! Support on http://marhu.net
C:/Users/Felix Z/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Schoenebeck/scripts/dirtPS/dirt_1.i3d (34.17 ms)
--- loading AutoCombine v4.01 by mogli ---
AutoCombine was inserted on combine_animated
AutoCombine was inserted on combine_animated_crawler
AutoCombine was inserted on combine_cylindered
AutoCombine was inserted on combine
AutoCombine was inserted on selfPropelledPotatoHarvester
*** ChoppedStraw v15.0.05 specialization loading ***
--- loading complexBGA mod V3.03 --- (by upsidedown)
--- loading biogas residues tool as part of BGAextension mod V3.03 ---
--- loading driveControl mod V3.91 (by upsidedown)---
--- fast Forward Mod V1.3 loaded --- (by upsidedown)
--- loading GPS mod V4.21 --- (by upsidedown and gotchTOM)
--- loading greenFertilizer mod V1.0--- (by upsidedown)
--- loading siloExtension mod V2.0 --- (by upsidedown)
--- loading addMultiFruit mod V3.0 --- (by upsidedown)
--- loading multiFruit Module: C:/Users/Felix Z/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//ZZZ_multiFruitModule_Standard/multiFruit_config.xml --- (by upsidedown)
--- loading multiMowing mod V3.0 --- (by upsidedown)
Warning (LUA): Unknown entity id 0 in method name: getNumOfChildren.
LUA call stack:
D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/BaseMission.lua(2207) : getNumOfChildren
=C:/Users/Felix Z/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Schoenebeck/SampleModMap.lua(68) : loadI3D
D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/FSBaseMission.lua(1416) : asyncCallbackFunction
Error: Running LUA method 'loadMapFinished'.
D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/BaseMission.lua(2207) : attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value
Application exit request forced.
Application exit request forced.
danke für die Silos. Habe in der Log diese Einträge gefunden:
Warning (physics): Static actor moved (Kolli1)
Warning: MapBGASilo [silage-silo | id: 213446] UserAttribute /siloAnimClipName/ is set, but Clip not found!
Warning (physics): Static actor moved (Kolli1)
Warning (physics): Static actor moved (Kolli1)
Warning (physics): Static actor moved (Kolli1)
Warning: MapBGASilo [silage-silo | id: 213507] UserAttribute /siloAnimClipName/ is set, but Clip not found!
Warning (physics): Static actor moved (Kolli1)
Warning (physics): Static actor moved (Kolli1)
Diese Einträge habe ich beim alten, wo ich vorsorglich die bgaSilo.xml entfernt habe, sowie bei einem neuen Spielstand.
Has anyone a copy of the mapbgasilo mod? I cannot log onto planet ls