Download download Mod 'Green manure Mod'

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3 Comments for Green manure Mod

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  1. jobyrns72 05. 01 2014

    Ok so let me get this right. Clover or alfalfa has to be incorporated into map. I then plant it in a field then when it matured i can cultivate it and it turns into fertilized but i can only plant rape behind it for the fertilize to take affect?

    1 replies

  2. bobii16 04. 01 2014

    hallo ich bin französisch, ich einen Übersetzer, um diese Mod nutzen erfordert eine Multifruit-Karte? oder eine Karte mit den Standard-Betriebs Früchte? welcher Bohrer verwendet?

    1 replies

  3. Tommy1222 02. 01 2014

    great mod...but why isnt there yet a Weed in 2011?...when the grass grows inside crops if it is not sprayed or on cultivated and ploughed ground if left alone for too long...i want that mod :(

    1 replies
