Download download Mod 'Fendt 900 Series Pack'

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3 Comments for Fendt 900 Series Pack

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  1. unregistered user 24. 12 2017

    I have finished the latest update. It will include MR (More Realistic) version. To make the download smaller I will be replacing the Xenon version with the MR version of the mod.

  2. skenzer2000 30. 12 2017

    Wide tires missing on the front axle for the MR version:
    C:/Users/skenz/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Fendt_900_MR_Series/fendt900.i3d (396.40) ms
    Error: Failed to open xml file 'MR/data/wheels/TM900_710_60R34.xml'.
    Error: wheelConfigIndex 'basic' not found in 'MR/data/wheels/TM900_710_60R34.xml'
    Warning: Missing '#mass' for wheel '0' in 'C:/Users/skenz/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Fendt_900_MR_Series/fendt900.xml'. Using default '0.1'!
    Error: Failed to open xml file 'MR/data/wheels/TM900_710_60R34.xml'.
    Error: wheelConfigIndex 'basic' not found in 'MR/data/wheels/TM900_710_60R34.xml'
    Warning: Missing '#mass' for wheel '1' in 'C:/Users/skenz/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Fendt_900_MR_Series/fendt900.xml'. Using default '0.1'!

    2 replies

  3. InVia 21. 04 2017

    DynamicHoses is necessary
