V1.01 Uploading tonight:
Train silo no longer loses volumes after save game
Removed floating manhole cover at Gas Station
Casue of Stop start equipment and lift and drop of implements identified as caused by "better fuel usage mod" on most 4X maps
NB: the better fuel usage mod has been proven to be the casue of bouncing and stopstarting of implements and machines in fields while driven by hired workers. The results are severe, please disable this mod for all 4X maps.
Silo System error fixed, off-loading at farm train station now accrues to farm-silo total but holds an independant total for loading from itself to both train and trailer. will upload Beta 0.9 later tonight after a few fresh aesthetic improvements. Thank you to everyone downloading Inheritance 4X map, - enjoy and please dont hesitate to commicate issues or ideas. Field 13/12 identification error fixed. - so far all reported bugs fixed. Please let me know if you find anymore flying/floating objects.
Silo System error fixed, off-loading at farm train station now accrues to farm-silo total but holds an independant total for loading from itself to both train and trailer. will upload Beta 0.9 later tonight after a few fresh aesthetic improvements. Thank you to everyone downloading Inheritance 4X map, - enjoy and please dont hesitate to commicate issues or ideas.
Hi Guys, please be patient - delaying tonights upload till I can get some stuff with textures fixed. Chopped straw is working and those textures are great but grass and straw heaps and windrow (material dropping need some fixing) Sorry but want to get it right, Inheritance map is worth it!! Thanks, MOGUL
This mod is perfect for the upcoming Big-Bud DLC. There are only two routes to get massive quatities of product to market -A) Through the mountains by train B) Through the mountains by truck (train Journey 7.5 minutes game time round trip and +/- 2 minutes by truck one-way
I played it a few minutes ago. It has a very nice area around with the Bay and everything.
Then i started mowing grass at the grassland near the starting point. The problem is that i see that there is grass on the ground mowed, but the grass swathes are not high, they stay almost close to the ground, and so sometimes you can take grass with the baling press, and most of the time not.
After that i started harvesting wheat. I must say that the harvesting textures close to the harvester doesnt look very good, it looks unfinsihed! Sometimes the cutting unit takes too much area on teh field, and sometimes it doesnt harvest at all when there is wheat in front of it.
As i tried to cultivate the field with the cultivator the same: Sometimes i cultivatet with those 4 meters about the double width, and sometimes it cultivatet nothing in front of my tractor.
So...nice map, but it has to be finished when you want to play it proberly. I played with chopped straw mod and the map itself.
best regards
Hi Beethoven, this is a common problem with 4X maps and many of the much more experienced map modders than I are experiencing same problem. There are a few mods that cause the problem as well but some equipment does work. Using Course Play usually works though. The ground resposnse and more realistic weight mods definately cause it.
Hi Mogul,
Just discovered that when doing 'contracting' work, it is impossible to get to the start of fields 12 and 14 from the field marker point where your tasks are allocated in the time that the game allows you to get to the field to start the task. I have tried field 12 about 4 times, but the time runs out before I get to the field choose which combine you select.
Is there an easy way where I can extend the time that is allotted for one to get from the field marker to the field?
Or, do I just leave those fields and get on with other field contracting work, until you have a further edit, and move the field markers closer to the field?
Thanks mate,
Hi sorry for late reply, the system has not allowed me to comment till now. I will fix this as soon as I have some time, its things like this Im really grateful for the comment.
Hi Mogul,
Thanks for your reply (Thu), the Lely was right under my nose - I must be blind!!
I agree that it is more likely to be a memory problem, so I will use GPS for the big fields when I am tight with money, and use the helper when I'm flush.
(The eggs in the Chicken coop need some finding, the long grass camouflages the eggs very well, I've never found them ALL on each visit).
Thanks for the Map mate, you are an 'Artist' to produce such a beautiful map of this quality and this Map will suit any FS17 player who plays on it - I personally love the BIG BIG Fields,
All the best for the future Mogul,- Yours Very Gratefully!!...
Hi Mogul,
Firstly, which mod site supports the Lely Forage Wagons you refer to (Mon) below - I have searched 6 or 7 and can only find Lely Wagons for FS 2015?
Secondly, have spent 3 days on Inheritance V1 edit 2 and all OK until I try to use Courseplay on Field 5 (Fields 2, 3, 4 and 6 OK no problems), on Field 5 computer crashes (have GTX 980 Ti), having to use 'Hired Help' which is expensive - can you help Please?
I will have a look for any clipping issues but field if crashing your courseplay it is a memory issue your side, I have the same on all large fields on all 4X maps becasue of the size of the save so we all usually load but dont save CP courses on very big fields. As for the Lely it is the standard equipment one (middle choice of the htree standard load wagons.) Thak you for using my map, I love it and at this stage we all just suffer many comromises to play 4X maps, they do suffer tech issues thats why Stevie alos said he wont make anymore 4x maps too, and that is why I have kept this one simple in philosophy in many areas.
What a brilliant Map Mogul, Well Done, I always like BIG BIG FIELDS!!
I always have difficulty trying to find the LATEST VERSION of a mod, and on this mod there are V.1, V1.1, V1.edit 2 god knows which is the LATEST, I presume V1 edit2, as that is the one I have loaded, please tell me if I am wrong. I love this map, and would like the latest version (wouldn't it be easier if modder's simply put V1 then V2 then V3 so we can see V3 is the latest? or am I not seeing something they are???).
Love the map but discovered which ever of my OWN fields I cut, and select Enable Straw Swath, and if I START with my cut N to S I can ONLY collect the straw with my Loading Wagon from S to N (Same with N to S can only pick up S to N) it will NOT pick up the straw in the direction of my first cut, for the whole of the field. Likewise if I cut E to W the same rules apply.
Can anyone help please or does Mogul need to correct this in a future V. (I have never had this problem before and I have played since FS 15!!!)
Help PLEASE!!!....
Hi, V1edit2, (V2 will have fodder mixer, fermenter and some others).
The problem with the load wagon is due to a common technical error most modders experience with 4X mpas and even Stevie has aluded to this with his maps. The probelm if you want to get inot it is the depth of the tool itself but is a known 4X glitch. However, the vanilla Lily load wagon does pick up in all directions.
Clearly; and to think after all these downloads you are the first to notice, my you are a smart fellow, calp-clap-clap... (I made just for you so you wouldnt get lost)
The train silo at the farm still has issues. The stuff stays after reloading, but anything else I put in there doesn't count for the train silo, it just goes to the farm silo.
Hi, sorry had a bit of a tough week but I am bringing an update shortly which should fix that, grass fill at the cow shed looks fixed as well as straw at pigs, but we do what we can as we can. Appreciate the heads up for sure. Should get the fix out by next weekend.
BTW, I had to change the zip file from "InheritanceV1-1" to "InheritanceV1_1" in order for Farming Simulator 17 to even recognize there was a zipped map folder in the folder. If you don't change it, the only maps you could play are the two default maps.
Hi I have none of these errors in my console on editor or in the commmand in game. I think you may have needed to start a new game for 1.1 but I will re-upoad what I have with correct file name - please re-download and see how it goes.
There is still errors. This was with nothing but the Inheritance V1.01 zip file in the mods folder.
"Error: Adding onCreate loaded object with duplicate saveId Storage_storage1
Error: 'Station' not defined in config file 'C:/Users/Eric/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/InheritanceV1_1/maps/map01.xml'
Warning (physics): Add trigger callback failed, object helpIconTriggerFarmSilos is not a physics trigger.
Error: Adding onCreate loaded object with duplicate saveId TipTrigger_FARMER_3_SLURRY".
I confirm, I have not been able to load a previous gamesave over the new edit. I will however be uploading InheritanceV1edit2 tonight and it is error free so not sure what hapenned with your file ereedks but thanks for th headsup, I aprreciate always. Thank you for your care in Inheritance map.
Sure thing. I really like the way the map looks, plenty of areas to park equipment. I especially like having extra large capacity for the silos. It saves me from having to put in silo extensions (or not as many, lol). I'll be watching for an updated version. You've already fixed a lot of the things I'd noticed from the original version, keep up the great work.
Thank you man, every version I'm adding to the landscape and scenery as well and every version so far I have also kept otimizing more and more. You have helped me much by letting me kinow all you find.
When you put stuff in the train silo and close out the game, everything in the train silo is gone when you start the game up again. There are some floating man hole covers at the gas station in the curve right before the shop when you're coming from the farm. They are only visible when you're in a vehicle though. And there are areas in field 3 where a hired worker in the combine will stop, raise the cutter, put it back down and drive a few feet and do it again. Thank you for the work so far.
Thanks for input:
We have fixed the manhole cover at the gas station
We are working on the content loss problem
The file issue is also being studied, so far we know it doenst happen with all plows or implements or harvesters and on some fields it does it with hired worker but CP works fine. Thank for your commitment to the map and we hope to fix problems quickly. We have alos been sifting through beta and workshop mods that dont do well on the map. So far we are asured of this, the same map in normal size will not have issues and some issues are being solved as Giants updates and gives modders more and more support.
Thanks again
doing some work and alos following Stevie it seems the better fuel usage mod is one of the things responsible for the bouncing on fields.
The ground texture roller also crashes the map.
Hello, do you know what would be causing the map to download at 8KB/s? I tried downloading other maps from this site and others to see if it was a problem with my internet, but they download at the normal rate. The beta map of yours downloaded fine too.
Just tried again and it still downloads very slow. Tried two other maps from this site(both 4x maps) one downloaded fast and the other was going to take 36 hours. I'm sure it's something on my end if no one else is having problems.
23 Comments for Inheritance
V1.01 Uploading tonight:
Train silo no longer loses volumes after save game
Removed floating manhole cover at Gas Station
Casue of Stop start equipment and lift and drop of implements identified as caused by "better fuel usage mod" on most 4X maps
NB: the better fuel usage mod has been proven to be the casue of bouncing and stopstarting of implements and machines in fields while driven by hired workers. The results are severe, please disable this mod for all 4X maps.
Important note: this new ground modification roller mod crashes the map
Silo System error fixed, off-loading at farm train station now accrues to farm-silo total but holds an independant total for loading from itself to both train and trailer. will upload Beta 0.9 later tonight after a few fresh aesthetic improvements. Thank you to everyone downloading Inheritance 4X map, - enjoy and please dont hesitate to commicate issues or ideas. Field 13/12 identification error fixed. - so far all reported bugs fixed. Please let me know if you find anymore flying/floating objects.
Silo System error fixed, off-loading at farm train station now accrues to farm-silo total but holds an independant total for loading from itself to both train and trailer. will upload Beta 0.9 later tonight after a few fresh aesthetic improvements. Thank you to everyone downloading Inheritance 4X map, - enjoy and please dont hesitate to commicate issues or ideas.
Hi Guys, please be patient - delaying tonights upload till I can get some stuff with textures fixed. Chopped straw is working and those textures are great but grass and straw heaps and windrow (material dropping need some fixing) Sorry but want to get it right, Inheritance map is worth it!! Thanks, MOGUL
Straw planes (Pigs & Cows)
Moved the Field 5 Buy Trigger
Optimized clip distance on various
Silo Capacity
New Road for feed trough at pigs
More concrete areas for Placeables
This mod is perfect for the upcoming Big-Bud DLC. There are only two routes to get massive quatities of product to market -A) Through the mountains by train B) Through the mountains by truck (train Journey 7.5 minutes game time round trip and +/- 2 minutes by truck one-way
I played it a few minutes ago. It has a very nice area around with the Bay and everything.
Then i started mowing grass at the grassland near the starting point. The problem is that i see that there is grass on the ground mowed, but the grass swathes are not high, they stay almost close to the ground, and so sometimes you can take grass with the baling press, and most of the time not.
After that i started harvesting wheat. I must say that the harvesting textures close to the harvester doesnt look very good, it looks unfinsihed! Sometimes the cutting unit takes too much area on teh field, and sometimes it doesnt harvest at all when there is wheat in front of it.
As i tried to cultivate the field with the cultivator the same: Sometimes i cultivatet with those 4 meters about the double width, and sometimes it cultivatet nothing in front of my tractor.
So...nice map, but it has to be finished when you want to play it proberly. I played with chopped straw mod and the map itself.
best regards
Helpers are not able to plow the fields
Hi Mogul,
Just discovered that when doing 'contracting' work, it is impossible to get to the start of fields 12 and 14 from the field marker point where your tasks are allocated in the time that the game allows you to get to the field to start the task. I have tried field 12 about 4 times, but the time runs out before I get to the field choose which combine you select.
Is there an easy way where I can extend the time that is allotted for one to get from the field marker to the field?
Or, do I just leave those fields and get on with other field contracting work, until you have a further edit, and move the field markers closer to the field?
Thanks mate,
Hi Mogul,
Thanks for your reply (Thu), the Lely was right under my nose - I must be blind!!
I agree that it is more likely to be a memory problem, so I will use GPS for the big fields when I am tight with money, and use the helper when I'm flush.
(The eggs in the Chicken coop need some finding, the long grass camouflages the eggs very well, I've never found them ALL on each visit).
Thanks for the Map mate, you are an 'Artist' to produce such a beautiful map of this quality and this Map will suit any FS17 player who plays on it - I personally love the BIG BIG Fields,
All the best for the future Mogul,- Yours Very Gratefully!!...
Hi Mogul,
Firstly, which mod site supports the Lely Forage Wagons you refer to (Mon) below - I have searched 6 or 7 and can only find Lely Wagons for FS 2015?
Secondly, have spent 3 days on Inheritance V1 edit 2 and all OK until I try to use Courseplay on Field 5 (Fields 2, 3, 4 and 6 OK no problems), on Field 5 computer crashes (have GTX 980 Ti), having to use 'Hired Help' which is expensive - can you help Please?
What a brilliant Map Mogul, Well Done, I always like BIG BIG FIELDS!!
I always have difficulty trying to find the LATEST VERSION of a mod, and on this mod there are V.1, V1.1, V1.edit 2 god knows which is the LATEST, I presume V1 edit2, as that is the one I have loaded, please tell me if I am wrong. I love this map, and would like the latest version (wouldn't it be easier if modder's simply put V1 then V2 then V3 so we can see V3 is the latest? or am I not seeing something they are???).
Love the map but discovered which ever of my OWN fields I cut, and select Enable Straw Swath, and if I START with my cut N to S I can ONLY collect the straw with my Loading Wagon from S to N (Same with N to S can only pick up S to N) it will NOT pick up the straw in the direction of my first cut, for the whole of the field. Likewise if I cut E to W the same rules apply.
Can anyone help please or does Mogul need to correct this in a future V. (I have never had this problem before and I have played since FS 15!!!)
Help PLEASE!!!....
clearly a map build in a day just some real big fields that cover 95 % of the map
The train silo at the farm still has issues. The stuff stays after reloading, but anything else I put in there doesn't count for the train silo, it just goes to the farm silo.
BTW, I had to change the zip file from "InheritanceV1-1" to "InheritanceV1_1" in order for Farming Simulator 17 to even recognize there was a zipped map folder in the folder. If you don't change it, the only maps you could play are the two default maps.
There is still errors. This was with nothing but the Inheritance V1.01 zip file in the mods folder.
"Error: Adding onCreate loaded object with duplicate saveId Storage_storage1
Error: 'Station' not defined in config file 'C:/Users/Eric/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/InheritanceV1_1/maps/map01.xml'
Warning (physics): Add trigger callback failed, object helpIconTriggerFarmSilos is not a physics trigger.
Error: Adding onCreate loaded object with duplicate saveId TipTrigger_FARMER_3_SLURRY".
When you put stuff in the train silo and close out the game, everything in the train silo is gone when you start the game up again. There are some floating man hole covers at the gas station in the curve right before the shop when you're coming from the farm. They are only visible when you're in a vehicle though. And there are areas in field 3 where a hired worker in the combine will stop, raise the cutter, put it back down and drive a few feet and do it again. Thank you for the work so far.
Hello, do you know what would be causing the map to download at 8KB/s? I tried downloading other maps from this site and others to see if it was a problem with my internet, but they download at the normal rate. The beta map of yours downloaded fine too.