Download download Mod 'Multi Fruit'

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6 Comments for Multi Fruit

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  1. hawk67 16. 09 2015

    is it possible to make a combine harvest grass using this.

  2. chielcap 13. 08 2014

    Dieser mod funktioniert nicht mit mir, wie kommt das.
    Stellen Sie Ventueel kein Film zeigen, wie installiere ich die


  3. Trenton192009 31. 05 2014

    I was wondering does this mod work on combines we've downloaded from heredd or just the ones that come with the game?

  4. LordDakson 23. 04 2014

    Hi there! I have downloaded and used this mod before, but now im having problems. with the seeder. When i try to select the seed i want, no image appears, the log says im missing a hud. How do i fix this?!

    thanks for all the work you do

  5. therightstuff 14. 01 2014

    This mod (v1.0) is one of the best mods created. But it would really be nice if it worked with other crops like carrot,cabbage,apples and such.

  6. Joe`s farm dk 29. 10 2013

    Hi well i have to thank you for this nice script, so no more running after trailer or combiner or or or or any thing, with this you can seed and harvest and transport any sort that i have in the hagenstedt modified, thx for sharing this awesome mod and no errors or anything :) awesome.
