looks good, but i hope it get updates over the time because there are some issues and also potential to evolve.
For example the minimap and map (when you press Esc) only shows the fields (streets and buildings are missing) and the minimap is kinda transparent, the sell point for live stock (animals) is way outside of the accessible map-area and questionmark-symbols are floating high in the air (like 15 - 20 meter).
But the idea of fields with small to medium size is what i liked on the x4 maps Ellerbach, Stappenbach and Swiniaki in Farming Simulator 19 ???? so i'm looking forward for this map
2 Comments for Płaskowice
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looks good, but i hope it get updates over the time because there are some issues and also potential to evolve.
For example the minimap and map (when you press Esc) only shows the fields (streets and buildings are missing) and the minimap is kinda transparent, the sell point for live stock (animals) is way outside of the accessible map-area and questionmark-symbols are floating high in the air (like 15 - 20 meter).
But the idea of fields with small to medium size is what i liked on the x4 maps Ellerbach, Stappenbach and Swiniaki in Farming Simulator 19 ???? so i'm looking forward for this map