pls,make this weight,in JD style with beacon lights and warning plates at the front.das is geil :)sry for bad english,and sry dont speak german,Im from holland:P
bo 4-ever =) vaya con tioz is spanish sry "vaya con" heißt "geh mit" aber dat tioz weiß ich grad nit mehr
vaya con dioz = geh mit den göttern vaya con tioz = geh mit den "Onkelz" mfg can some one pls make this weight,with beacon lights,and warning plates. dat is geil.
3 Comments for * Weight 720 kg ONKELZ *-
pls,make this weight,in JD style with beacon lights and warning plates at the front.das is geil :)sry for bad english,and sry dont speak german,Im from holland:P
bo 4-ever =)
vaya con tioz is spanish
sry "vaya con" heißt "geh mit" aber dat tioz weiß ich grad nit mehr can some one pls make this weight,with beacon lights,and warning plates. dat is geil.