this map is a nice work of art. it needs a little bit of work. not to much. maybe fix the trees that overhang the road and hide the trafic paths that are exposed. and fix the cattle grass/silage for the pigs(cattle). and add a feild for grass. ohh and a liquid pit for manure. other then that this map is super fun with small tractors and equipment. good job so far though.
1 Comments for Gute alte Zeit Map
this map is a nice work of art. it needs a little bit of work. not to much. maybe fix the trees that overhang the road and hide the trafic paths that are exposed. and fix the cattle grass/silage for the pigs(cattle). and add a feild for grass. ohh and a liquid pit for manure. other then that this map is super fun with small tractors and equipment. good job so far though.