? need that john deere link please help me
the john deere is private
Noooooooo :( ? need that with bumper
I can edit it but it has movable axle
thank you very much :)
all perfect but i miss a hitch
This is not a model that has a rear coupling, it is a model for heavy work !! Non-folding series, have read the rear coupling .. mfg Ago
Both versions are very nice , but please could you take on the V2 maybe at both SCP 600 and SCP 400 an Hitch at the back , to put on a seeder ??
Gibt es denn eine 4m Drille zum Aufsatteln überhaupt?
zum Beispiel die 6 reihige Maislege Maschine von kverneland
This is not a model that has a rear coupling, it is a model for heavy work !! Non-folding series, have read the rear coupling .. Mfg Ago
Ago :) you still the Best one ! ! !
nice mod but pls next version 600cm arbeitsbreite/workingwidth that would be nice
Thank U for this !!!
Thank you for this nice Mod
9 Comments for EMY Elenfer SCP 400
? need that john deere link please help me
thank you very much :)
all perfect but i miss a hitch
Both versions are very nice , but please could you take on the V2 maybe at both SCP 600 and SCP 400 an Hitch at the back , to put on a seeder ??
Ago :) you still the Best one ! ! !
nice mod but pls next version 600cm arbeitsbreite/workingwidth that would be nice
Thank U for this !!!
Thank you for this nice Mod