Also bei mir funktioniert die Zuckerfabrik. Allerdings erst, nachdem sie Ingame auch gekauft wurde. In der Fabrik das Produktionssymbol anklicken und dann wird man gefragt, ob man die Produktion zum Preis von XX € kaufen will. Dann sollte sie auch funktionieren.
Positives: A good range of field sizes; The multiple fruits and products are excellent; Few collisions (fencing); Great map to play - lots to do and keep busy with.
Negatives: The industry and train layout is illogical. It is great to have a working train, but the stations placements makes it pointless - there are no stations near most logical input and output points. The industries seems to be placed randomly as well making you drive all over the map.
Good evening. I like this map very much. One thing that I find strange is that I cannot get any doors to open. maybe most dont. There is a repair building on the HOF though, and it has an icon for sell and modify inside. I can't get anything to work from the outside so I have concluded that it must have opening doors. I have the door open mod in my list but the doors do not respont to "O" or enter or anything else i can find.
Hello, I am sorry that I don't speak German. I LOVE THIS MAP! I have found that the crops grow very slowly. Is there a way of editing it to speed it up? Thank you!
Thank you for your response ZT_Racer. I think that the issue was that I was using the fast forward mod which doesn't seem to be compatible with the map. Back to fast forwarding at 120x :(
10 Comments for Dondiego Map
hallo und guten Tag,
soweit ist diese Map ganz ok leider musste ich feststellen dass die Zuckerfabrik keine Funktion hat finde ich sehr schade.
lg Horst
Are your done with this map or are you going update it ever
Positives: A good range of field sizes; The multiple fruits and products are excellent; Few collisions (fencing); Great map to play - lots to do and keep busy with.
Negatives: The industry and train layout is illogical. It is great to have a working train, but the stations placements makes it pointless - there are no stations near most logical input and output points. The industries seems to be placed randomly as well making you drive all over the map.
Sag mal ist die Map noch UptoDate?
Good evening. I like this map very much. One thing that I find strange is that I cannot get any doors to open. maybe most dont. There is a repair building on the HOF though, and it has an icon for sell and modify inside. I can't get anything to work from the outside so I have concluded that it must have opening doors. I have the door open mod in my list but the doors do not respont to "O" or enter or anything else i can find.
Any idea what I'm missing??
Hey Hey .. Habe ne frage^^ Gibt es zu deiner Map auch bald Courseplay Routen ?
MfG Glinde..
Where do I find water
hello, how trailer loading hops?
great map .Was wondering if possible to have equipment farms in the south end and in the production areas .i find not enough equipment storage
keep up great work
thank you
Hello, I am sorry that I don't speak German. I LOVE THIS MAP! I have found that the crops grow very slowly. Is there a way of editing it to speed it up? Thank you!
Hallo Bucks google to fastgrowth for standart fruits