Download download Mod pack 'Goldcrest valley plus plus '

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54 Comments for Goldcrest valley plus plus

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  1. fish324 21. 10 2017

    hello very nice map. im having issues if i try and use a helper or course play 5 to sew from multi fruit (oat,rhy) and others the game stops responding and i have to close the game through the task manager. sorry if this is a known issue or do you know of a work around

  2. Fettecobra 03. 04 2017

    Hi Farmerads,

    how are you?
    I´m still playing on your map and i have some suggestions to you!
    It would be very nice to have some jump triggers to the production lines and also some more sell points for the good, for example beer can only be sold at the hotel. So a second or a third sell point would be great!

    Greetz Fettecobra

  3. ironik26 24. 03 2017

    No it does not work with the "Universal Kotte Pack". I can not find I have tried several but no to load

    1 replies

  4. ironik26 24. 03 2017

    Hello, I can not load the cream from the factory.I do not know which tank to take.I have to try with several but it does not work.can anyone help me please

    1 replies

  5. Fettecobra 09. 03 2017

    Hi farmerads,

    you do a great job. I prefer your map right a the moment because its the original map modified with the factorys.

    It will be cool to add some new factorys for some fruits which are not further processed at the moment. For Example sunflower to sunflower oil and then with potatoes to french fries or potato chips.

    And are seeds2 and the seedmaster nesessary anymore after you added the fertilizer and seed production north of field 25?

    But this are only my thoughts, so THANK YOU for the map!

    1 replies

    1. farmerads 09. 03 2017

      thanks for your lovely comments and yes the ideas. i have a new version underway at the moment which i think you enjoy even more :) watch this space

      2 replies

      1. Fettecobra 12. 03 2017

        Oh, a new version? Now I´m curious about the changes you made! No worry, big brother is watching you!

        1 replies

      2. PAO87 15. 05 2017

        Has been a while now. Absolutely love this map. Do you know about when you plan for the new version to be ready? Are you still working on it?

  6. johreini 21. 02 2017

    Is there a way to use Pallets more lesser. It is uncomfortable always to use Pallets for Sugar, Beer, Butter,....?

    2 replies

    1. farmerads 21. 02 2017

      Sugar could be made as a particle so would work just like standard grains you just wouldnt be able to grow the stuff and beer could be made as a liquid but as for butter and the other pallets no not really as they are products and come on pallets in real life

    2. farmerads 24. 02 2017

      sugar is now a particle so no longer on pallet:) will be doing the same with flour too. all will be in the next version of the map

  7. Swiftice 17. 02 2017

    Is ok my mistake wrong version :)

    1 replies

  8. Swiftice 17. 02 2017

    New Map Version 2.6 Patch 1.4 Can not connect? What made you ready?

    Can not connect on 2.6 Server Version 1.4

    1 replies

  9. mrsrobo86 14. 02 2017

    Hi, my husband and I are loving your map, however we are new to farm sim 17 and most of the mods on your map, we were wondering if there is a guide as to how to make things works, we're trying to make pallets but so far we are having no luck.

    1 replies

  10. johreini 13. 02 2017

    This Weekend we arrived the 2000th playing hour at your MAP.

    1 replies

  11. MikaelJ 11. 02 2017

    Thanks for a good map!
    Just wonder where i put my woodpallet?

    1 replies

  12. johreini 11. 02 2017

    What do you thibnk about fillpoint descriptions.
    At the older Versions of your Map you describe allways what you can load.

    1 replies

  13. johreini 11. 02 2017

    Hi Farmerads,

    now the Maps is getting to be complicated! Is there any possibility to get an overview where which factories are? And what they need?

    1 replies

  14. farmerads 10. 02 2017

    new versions seem to have problems since the patch 1.4 i am trying to fix this issue but keep using the 2.5 version and keep using the 1.3.1 patch of the game and everything works perfect. sorry again for any problems caused :(

    3 replies

  15. farmerads 10. 02 2017

    SORRY SORRY SORRY didnt know there was a new patch 1.4. New version 2.5.1 of the map added sorry again for any inconvenience

  16. Zenobiusz888 26. 01 2017

    Hello. Where on the map you can sell biodiesel?

  17. Meckli 23. 01 2017

    Farmerads - I think the mistake lies in your spelling. Change the designation of V 2,4 to V 2.4 .Between the two and the four you have a comma, instead of a point. And then the new version should be back up in the list.

  18. bamsenus 23. 01 2017

    Hallo Farmerrads. I have a issiu whit your great map. I played from the first one, no problems, but now i have this problem, Error: Render device Error: Unknown.
    Error: Render device Error: Unknown.
    Error: Any idier what migth be the problem???

  19. farmerads 22. 01 2017

    i dont seem to be able to reply to your comments here so private message is preferred :)

    1 replies

  20. farmerads 22. 01 2017

    light switch and screen display all sorted for the next version, thanks for pointing out the problem
