to prob number 5:
if the combine stops to unload drive with your tractor a little to the right son that you block the header the the combine stopps and unload compledly...
having a little prob with the unloading combine will not detect the trailers and when it does it unloads a small amount then folds the the unloading pipe back also an prob with the wait when turning the back end wants to slide around
2 Comments for JD 9750 sts Pack
Well I've noticed some problems with the Pack..
1: When I use Hired Worker on the Rowcrop with the Corn Head, the Head folds and in so it pretty much don't work which is a little ridiculous...
2: The back end is a little light, but I'll fix it.
3: There's no Particle System in the Bin, and the textures seem like the same thing for Corn and Wheat, but that's from what I can see...
4: She goes too fast when on Hired Worker on Speed Level 2.
5: When Unloading on Hired Worker, she'll empty out a little bit, and then just decide to go again with the Bin almost full.
6: Her top speed to me is a little too fast...
7: 70 Meg? Is it just me or is that a tad too high?
Other than them things, It's a nice Pack....
having a little prob with the unloading combine will not detect the trailers and when it does it unloads a small amount then folds the the unloading pipe back also an prob with the wait when turning the back end wants to slide around