Download download Mod 'Krone Emsland Multi'

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2 Comments for Krone Emsland Multi

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  1. Openheaders 31. 03 2015

    Ok I figured out what the problem is... This mod is not compatible with certain maps that add new fruit types. My fix for those having problems, simple make a new folder (i named my modbackup) in you Farming Simulator 2015 folder (my documents) and place the maps that have new fruits in the folder when you want to play with this mod. When you want to play with the maps that add new fruits simply cut and paste back into your mods folder. Hope this helps some folks out.

  2. Openheaders 29. 03 2015

    Hello, for some odd reason when I try to buy the trailer it refuses to be bought. Seems there's a registration error or something, this is what i get in my log file D:/code/lsim2015_patch12/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua(999) : bad argument #1 to 'gsub' (string expected, got table) Any Ideas on what might be happening?
