Download download Mod 'Inspect17'

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14 Comments for Inspect17

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  1. LordKena 30. 03 2018

    How do i turn it on. It doesnt say it anywhere

  2. joshmiller83 26. 12 2016

    Would also be nice to know what all the keybinds are for Inspect17. Can we get a FULL list?

  3. joshmiller83 24. 12 2016

    Also would it be possible to add :

    Chicken coop : Eggs in coop = ## Eggs in backpack = ##

  4. joshmiller83 23. 12 2016

    Any chance of getting the Wool to show up after the Sheep info?

  5. Sythos 04. 12 2016

    i've several issue with V1.2, the hud show just tools/implement and if any content, no tractor, plus several LUA errors. Tried without mods but inspector and still not work

  6. chaseydog 16. 11 2016

    I'm a bit confused. The title shows the mod at ver 1.1 but the links on the page are all for beta versions. Is there a release version

  7. BitCaps 14. 11 2016

    I found a problem with this mod. When you load cargo onto the train (wheat or other), then you leave the train and get in a tractor, there is no attachments showing (icon on bottom right) and the F1 help is not working. F1 help is showing duplicate lines. I think the F1 help is showing the help for the train when you are not on the train. Disable this mod and the problem is fixed.

    Otherwise, a great mod. Thank you.

    1 replies

  8. VipersFury 13. 11 2016

    Thx for the update it now remembers where i positioned it :) and thx for the added info as well

  9. VipersFury 10. 11 2016

    love the mod but have question, it always is shown under the helpbox, i know how to change it to where i want but how do i keep it that way? every time i save and restart it is back to the postion under the helpbox, have adjusted everything in the xml but it doesn not work...

    Would be great if i just can load my save game and have the inspect on the spot where i left it last time i played.

  10. pociej 07. 11 2016


    I want to suggest one feature.

    Would be nice if Inspect17 could show unattached trailers with their content.

  11. mackintosh 04. 11 2016

    This latest version doesn't work for me I'm afraid. Maybe a conflict with another mod.

    Here's the error from my log, the error repeats until the game is terminated.

    Error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
    E:/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Inspect17/Inspect17.lua:195: bad argument #1 to 'find' (string expected, got nil)

    1 replies

  12. Hello super mod!

    Can you make the CTRL + UP - display on/off at the F1 button?
    The old one has that in fs15.

    Thanks for the mod!

  13. w1der 03. 11 2016

    Great ... THANKS!
    Will it also include a warning for animal productivity, below 100% ?

  14. joshmiller83 02. 11 2016

    Does this work on Dedi MP Server?

    1 replies
