Hallo, wollte mich mal zurückmelden zu Version Schon im Singleplayer haut es mir die Log mit Errors voll. Hier der besagte Error. ich würde Ihnen die gesamte Log bei Bedarf zukommen lassen da ich Sie hier leider nicht anhängen kann.Wir haben die Transportaufträge übrigens nicht im Spiel. Grüße JS39
2022-02-04 16:55 Error: Running LUA method 'update'.
C:/Users/Frank/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_RealLifeNumbers/RealNumbersContractRewards.lua:526: attempt to compare number with nil
2022-02-04 16:55 dataS/character/player01/clothes/bottoms/botJeans.i3d (5.66 ms)
Hello, wanted to log me back to version Already in the singleplayer it hits me the log full of errors. Here’s the said error. I would send you the entire log if needed because I can’t attach you here unfortunately.We don’t have the transport orders in the game. Greetings JS39
Hallo bei uns auf dem server verschwinden Gebäude mit der neuen Version.Mit der sind sie wieder da- Ansonsten passt es bisher.Grüße und Danke
Hello with us on the server disappearing buildings with the new version.With the they are back- Otherwise it fits so far.Greetings and thanks
Thank you for the information JS39. Could you try and comment out some scripts in modDesc.xml and see what scripts create problems and which ones seems to work in multiplayer. It would be really nice if I could add a statement in each script whether it creates issues in multiplayer mode.
Hallo, das würde ich gerne wenn Du mir sagst wie? bin leider kein scripter auch wenn ich früher schon mods gebaut und ingame gebracht habe.Der Server wo wir aktuell spielen ist auch nicht meiner also kein direkter zugriff auf die log. Ich möchte demnächst auch noch ein Serverspiel mit einer 4 Fach Map auf meinem Server starten. Vielleicht könnte ich Dir da mehr berichten. Würde es Dir helfen was für mods auf dem Server sind? Grüße und Danke für Deine Arbeit.
Hello, I would love if you tell me how? I am unfortunately not a scripter even if I have previously built mods and brought ingame.Der server where we currently play is not mine so no direct access to the log. I want to start a server game with a 4 compartment map on my server soon. Maybe I could tell you more. Would it help you what kind of mods are on the server? Greetings and thanks for your work.
Hi, loved using this mod in FS19 and super excited to see it available for 22, I see it has been setup quite differently for 22. How does someone install it when trying to use it on a dedicated server? Thanks
I have never run or set up a server, so I don't know if FS is installed differently on a server, than on a normal PC. I suppose there must be a mod folder, where FS22_RealLifeNumbers.zip should go. Then I expect that there would also be a another folder somewhere named modSettings. On a standard installation it is in your FarmingSimulator2022 folder. Inside the modSettingsFolder you create a folder called RealLifeNumbers. Inside the folder called RealLifeNumbers you create a series of folders called savegame1, savegame2, savegame3, and so on. Then you place all the xml files into the different savegame folders. If you play a UK map in savegame1, then place the xml files for UK in modSettings/RealLifeNumbers/savegame1. If you play a US map in savegame2, then place the xml files for US in modSettings/RealLifeNumbers/savegame2. And so fort.
The mod is not written for multiplayer mod and not tested in multiplayer mode. This does not mean that some of the scripts would not work. Some may work, others may not. I suggest you try them out one by one by commenting out each indicidual script in the modDesc.xml file of RealLifeNumbers and then try and add them one by one. The modDesc.xml file illustrates how to comment out a line.
Hi Kaj, your mailbox returns Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 550 5.7.1 from my mailbox and also from eu and us check tools :(
Anyway, that error is figured out. There were unexpected values in the XML definition (my misunderstanding that mechanics implemented). More details in the e-mail, if it will work. Log and examples ready to send. I'll try it later. Cheers, Ticho
Hi Ticho,
I tried to install Erlengrat. I get no error on loading and I can do all the keyboard commands without errors. Mayby you have an issue with either some parameter values or a missing or invalid xml file.
The error message you get is typically due to an issue in a script running before the script giving the issue.
Could you e-mail me your log file? My adress is at the top of the scripts.
Hello. thank you for your support. Of course, you are right. That situation was strange for me because I think your mod can't be broken. Unfortunately, I forget to make a basic test with your default XML definitions and then everything was all right. My apologies. More in the e-mail.
Hello again,
on the new (and prepared) savegame I've got an error:
2022-01-31 01:12 Error: Running LUA method 'loadSharedI3DFileFinished'.
D:/blablabla/FarmMods22/FS22_RealLifeNumbers/RealNumbersLoans.lua:23: bad argument #3 to 'format' (number expected, got string)
this row was quickly checked and compared with other lua scripts, but unfortunately, I'm not skilled in lua debugging.
Without source XML file (using the default) same error. What do I have to check or change in lua? Not related to that map is Erlengrat and w/o other mods.
Cheers, Ticho
The per hour cost and deposit is set to zero. This is because the leasing adressed here is not long term leasing. It is more equivalent to hiring a contractor to do a job on a field you own.
If you only own 50 ha of grain fields, you would not be likely to own a combine. So this leasing style allow you to go hire a contractor for a one-day job. If you also put a helper on the leased combine, it seems quite realistic.
If you want to increase the lease cost per day simply increase 0.001 to a higher value. It is 0.1 % of the purchase price of the equipment.
In the next version, you will be able to adjust the deduction for leasing equipment inside a mission job.
Hi! Thank you for the details! That makes better sense for me :-) Fingers crossed with fix about transport contracts.
About replies here, maybe different browser or cookies settings? But anyway, replies are strange for me too, residues of the previous text remain in new replies etc...
Have a good day. Ticho
Hi, thank you a lot for that mod! Love real playing.
And also thank you for testing the compatibility with FS22_SupplyTransportContracts!
I have one question about mission price, may I edit somewhere the ratio of change?
Thank you. Ticho aka DrewCZ
Oops, I was a little bit fast and there is no option to edit my previous post. So, all prices are very very low (i.e. Claas combine lease for 70€ :-) - where may I change it?
Version is not compatible with the new mod FS22_SupplyTransportContracts. A new version of RealLifeNumber is being tested and will be uploaded after a few more hours of testing.
The reply button does not work for me, so here is the answer to ASCtoppi concerning the use of the log file for output.
The log file is the default output, and therefore the place scripts will send their output, if the print() command is used. This is by far the simplest way of producing output.
The mod has an unusally large amount of output, hence alternative means have not been considered in great length.
In mods with HUD displays, 80 - 90 percent of the code is dealing with the HUD. This also means that most of the developer time is used on non-core aspects. As I am alone in this project, I would not get much done, if I had to spend this much time on non-essentials.
To be fair, I have not tried to write text to files other than the log file. So I can't say if that is easy or hard.
When the savegame is on its way, I hardly use the log files. I use it mostly when setting up the game, and when trying out new mod parameter values. When I'm done with that I open the log file in an editor and strip it for all other content, even the date and times. I save it as a map specific log file.
When an error occurs, this is where the log file gets very long.
I'm not saying this is the best option for saving output, but it is the quickest in terms of developer time. It would clearly be preferable to have a dedicated log file located in the modSettings/RealLifeNumbers/savegamex folder. This way it is not overwritten when you play another map.
one question, why does the log file have to be used? I have one that is already 300 kB in size and is getting bigger and bigger, if there are other problems with a mod, you can no longer upload this file in forums - data limit
Think about something else, how to, the tracking of your scripts and xmls, a separate file that is renewed again and again, preferably then and ModSettings - Savegame - Number - LOG.Text
eine Frage, warum muss die Log Datei dabei benutzt werden?? Ich habe eine die jetzt schon 300 kB groß ist und immer größer wird, solltet es andere Probleme geben mit einem Mod, kann man in Foren nicht mehr diese Datei hoch laden - Datenlimit
Überlege dir etwas anderes wie man, die Nachverfolgung deiner Scripte und xmls, eine eigende Datei die sich immer wieder erneuert, am besten dann und ModSettings - Savegame - Nummer - LOG.Text
A temporary solution to the issue reported by ASCtoppi has been found.
In the script RealNumbersAnimalScaling.lua line 2284, change the old line to the new line.
-- local animalTypeName = RN.animalScaling.animalName[animalName]; -- old line
local animalTypeName = RN.animalValues[animalName].animalType; -- new line
I will update a new version when the script has had further testing.
hallo, danke für den Mod, bekomme diesen Fehler immer beim beenden des Monats. Spiele auf der Mod Map von Pandahma und habe im NOV mit deinem Mod angefangen zu spielen, Daten wie in der Anleitung erstellt und kopiert. Vom NOV zu DEZ der gleiche Fehler und von DEZ zu JAN das gleiche, also immer wenn der Monat beendet ist.
hello, thanks for the mod, always get this error when ending the month. Play on Pandahma's mod map and started playing with your mod in NOV, created and copied data as instructed. The same error from NOV to DEC and the same from DEC to JAN, i.e. whenever the month ends.
D:/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_RealLifeNumbers/RealNumbersAnimalScaling.lua:2287: attempt to compare nil with number
2022-01-24 01:28 RealNumbersCalendarInfo:update
2022-01-24 01:28 current year = 1
2022-01-24 01:28 current Season = 3
2022-01-24 01:28 current period = 10
2022-01-24 01:28 current month = 12
2022-01-24 01:28 current year = 1
2022-01-24 01:28 current Day In Season = 1
2022-01-24 01:28 days Per Period = 5
2022-01-24 01:28 current Day In Period = 1
2022-01-24 01:28 current Monotonic Day = 22
2022-01-24 01:28 currentDay = 46
2022-01-24 01:28 current Hour = 0
2022-01-24 01:28 current Minute = 14
2022-01-24 01:28 curent month is not a grazing month
2022-01-24 01:28
2022-01-24 01:30 Info: Savegame Setting 'economicDifficulty': 2
2022-01-24 01:30 Game saved successfully.
The map is Ferme-Beyleron v1.7
Unfortunately, I can no longer send the log file, I am in March and have deleted the mod, but not the save game xml. Sorry
Achso eine Frage noch wenn man pro Monat mit mehren Tagen spielen will, muss man da was ändern oder passt sich Dein Script an.
Ahso a question if you want to play a month with several days, you have to change something or adjust your script?
As far as I can see, everything is defined per month. So if you have 3 days in one month, the game will adjust.
For example, if you need to pay back 600 € per month for a loan, the game will divide it into 3 payments each of 200 € at midnight for 3 nights.
Animal feed is specified per month. But the game will divide the feed intake by the number of days in the month.
Soweit ich sehen kann, ist alles pro Monat definiert. Wenn Sie also 3 Tage in einem Monat haben, passt sich das Spiel an.
Wenn Sie beispielsweise 600 € pro Monat für einen Kredit zurückzahlen müssen, teilt das Spiel diese um Mitternacht in 3 Zahlungen zu je 200 € für 3 Nächte auf.
Tierfutter wird pro Monat angegeben. Aber das Spiel teilt die Futteraufnahme durch die Anzahl der Tage im Monat.
Sehr gut,Danke dann passt sich das Spiel da ja selber an. In 19 musste man was ändern i scroipt wenn man mehrere Tage hatte. Da hatte ich noch was in Erinnerung wenn man da mit seasons spielte.
Super Arbeit Danke.
Very good,thank you then the game adapts to itself. In 19 you had to change what i scroipt if you had several days. I had something in my memory when you played with seasons.
Great work Thank you.
Hallo, Danke für die Version 8. Nun fehlt nur noch die reduzierte Wartung und ist beim Helferlohn auch was geplant in Richtung real? Dann wird es so langsam perfekt. Danke für dein tolle Arbeit.
Ich oder wir testen es übrigens auch im MP auf Server.
Hello, Thank you for version 8. Now only the reduced maintenance is missing and is what is planned in the direction of real at the helper’s salary? Then it’s going to be perfect. Thank you for your great work.
By the way, I or we also test it in the MP on server.
I will look into equipment maintenance in a coming update.
For the helper fee, I use the mod AIcost by HappyLooser. As this mod works well, I would not like to make a "copy". Inside the AIcost.lua, I have changed one number:
function AIJob:getPricePerMs(superFunc)
return 0.000004166; --! default 0.001 ! -->
Happy to hear that the mod works on a server. I assume this means you are using it in Multiplayer mode.
Ich werde mich in einem kommenden Update mit der Gerätewartung befassen.
Für die Helfergebühr verwende ich den Mod AIcost von HappyLooser. Da dieser Mod gut funktioniert, möchte ich keine "Kopie" machen. Innerhalb der AIcost.lua habe ich eine Nummer geändert:
function AIJob:getPricePerMs(superFunc)
return 0.000004166; --! default 0.001 ! -->
Freut mich zu hören, dass der Mod auf einem Server funktioniert. Ich nehme an, das bedeutet, dass Sie es im Multiplayer-Modus verwenden.
Ok danke dann werde ich mir das script von Happylooser mal ansehen. Und ja wir verwenden das script von Dir(Ihnen) auf einem Server im MP und bisher ging es soweit. Werden nun mit der ein neues Spiel auf einer 4 Fach map starten. Werde dann berichten wie es läuft.
Ok thank you then I will look at the script of Happylooser times. And yes we use the script of you (him) on a server in the MP and so far it went so far. Will now start with the a new game on a 4 compartment map. Will then report how it goes.
Thank you.
If you are playing the new UK map, Calmsden Farm, by Oygendavid, try the new updated distribution (Ver. It now contains three different sets of xml data files for UK, France and US, respectively.
Hallo, wäre es möglich das Du die wartungskosten die viel zu hoch und somit unreal sind im LS22 auch mit reinnimmst? Es gibt ein script von Ifkonator wo die Wartungskosten um die Hälfte senkt also scheint nicht so aufwendig zu sein.
Grüße und Danke JS39
Hello, would it be possible that you have the maintenance costs that are much too high and therefore unreal in the LS22 with pure? There is a script from Ifkonator where the maintenance costs are halved so it doesn’t seem to be so expensive.
Greetings and thanks JS39
Hello JS39. This is on the to-do list. But I would not simply copy what other modders have already done. So I'll have to look at the equipment economy as a whole.
Hallo, ich weiss das Du es nich kopieren willst und auch nicht sollst. Wollte es Dir nur als Anhaltspunkt geben das es scheinbar gar nicht so aufwendig ist wenn man sich auskennt.Grüße und Danke für deine Arbeit. Hast Du ein Spendenkonto über paypal?Würde Deine Arbeit auch gerne mal unterstützen.
Hello, I know that you do not want to copy it and should not. I just wanted to give you a hint that it is apparently not so elaborate if you know your way around.Greetings and thanks for your work. Do you have a donation account via paypal?Would also like to support your work sometime.
I have noticed two issues in version
1. The transport fee for sheep is way to high. You can edit them to be similar to pigs.
2. The price of land is reset to 25000€/ha automatically, even if you have changed it in my_farmland.xml.
To fix the latter you need to open RealNumbersFieldPrices.lua in an editor, find line 260.
It says:
108 Comments for RealLifeNumbers
Hallo, wollte mich mal zurückmelden zu Version Schon im Singleplayer haut es mir die Log mit Errors voll. Hier der besagte Error. ich würde Ihnen die gesamte Log bei Bedarf zukommen lassen da ich Sie hier leider nicht anhängen kann.Wir haben die Transportaufträge übrigens nicht im Spiel. Grüße JS39
2022-02-04 16:55 Error: Running LUA method 'update'.
C:/Users/Frank/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_RealLifeNumbers/RealNumbersContractRewards.lua:526: attempt to compare number with nil
2022-02-04 16:55 dataS/character/player01/clothes/bottoms/botJeans.i3d (5.66 ms)
Hello, wanted to log me back to version Already in the singleplayer it hits me the log full of errors. Here’s the said error. I would send you the entire log if needed because I can’t attach you here unfortunately.We don’t have the transport orders in the game. Greetings JS39
It is not a lengthy task to disable a script.
To disable a script, thus preventing it from loading, you need to open the zip file and open the file named modDesc.xml
At the bottom of this file you will see lines like these
<sourceFile filename="RealNumbersLoans.lua"/>
<!-- <sourceFile filename="myTest.lua" /> -->
The first line loads the RealNumbersLoan.lua script. The last one has been commented out, so it will not be loaded.
<!-- This is commented out -->
When you are done. save the modDesc.xml file. Then zip the folder with the mod files and put the zip file back into the mod folder.
Hallo bei uns auf dem server verschwinden Gebäude mit der neuen Version.Mit der sind sie wieder da- Ansonsten passt es bisher.Grüße und Danke
Hello with us on the server disappearing buildings with the new version.With the they are back- Otherwise it fits so far.Greetings and thanks
Hi, loved using this mod in FS19 and super excited to see it available for 22, I see it has been setup quite differently for 22. How does someone install it when trying to use it on a dedicated server? Thanks
Hi Kaj, your mailbox returns Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 550 5.7.1 from my mailbox and also from eu and us check tools :(
Anyway, that error is figured out. There were unexpected values in the XML definition (my misunderstanding that mechanics implemented). More details in the e-mail, if it will work. Log and examples ready to send. I'll try it later. Cheers, Ticho
Hi Ticho,
I tried to install Erlengrat. I get no error on loading and I can do all the keyboard commands without errors. Mayby you have an issue with either some parameter values or a missing or invalid xml file.
The error message you get is typically due to an issue in a script running before the script giving the issue.
Could you e-mail me your log file? My adress is at the top of the scripts.
Hello again,
on the new (and prepared) savegame I've got an error:
2022-01-31 01:12 Error: Running LUA method 'loadSharedI3DFileFinished'.
D:/blablabla/FarmMods22/FS22_RealLifeNumbers/RealNumbersLoans.lua:23: bad argument #3 to 'format' (number expected, got string)
this row was quickly checked and compared with other lua scripts, but unfortunately, I'm not skilled in lua debugging.
Without source XML file (using the default) same error. What do I have to check or change in lua? Not related to that map is Erlengrat and w/o other mods.
Cheers, Ticho
Hi drewcZ,
I'm for some reason not able to reply to your message.
With version you can lease equipment outside the mission. Here the cost of leasing is set in the script RealNumbersLeasing.lua:
The per hour cost and deposit is set to zero. This is because the leasing adressed here is not long term leasing. It is more equivalent to hiring a contractor to do a job on a field you own.
If you only own 50 ha of grain fields, you would not be likely to own a combine. So this leasing style allow you to go hire a contractor for a one-day job. If you also put a helper on the leased combine, it seems quite realistic.
If you want to increase the lease cost per day simply increase 0.001 to a higher value. It is 0.1 % of the purchase price of the equipment.
In the next version, you will be able to adjust the deduction for leasing equipment inside a mission job.
Hi, thank you a lot for that mod! Love real playing.
And also thank you for testing the compatibility with FS22_SupplyTransportContracts!
I have one question about mission price, may I edit somewhere the ratio of change?
Thank you. Ticho aka DrewCZ
Version is not compatible with the new mod FS22_SupplyTransportContracts. A new version of RealLifeNumber is being tested and will be uploaded after a few more hours of testing.
The reply button does not work for me, so here is the answer to ASCtoppi concerning the use of the log file for output.
The log file is the default output, and therefore the place scripts will send their output, if the print() command is used. This is by far the simplest way of producing output.
The mod has an unusally large amount of output, hence alternative means have not been considered in great length.
In mods with HUD displays, 80 - 90 percent of the code is dealing with the HUD. This also means that most of the developer time is used on non-core aspects. As I am alone in this project, I would not get much done, if I had to spend this much time on non-essentials.
To be fair, I have not tried to write text to files other than the log file. So I can't say if that is easy or hard.
When the savegame is on its way, I hardly use the log files. I use it mostly when setting up the game, and when trying out new mod parameter values. When I'm done with that I open the log file in an editor and strip it for all other content, even the date and times. I save it as a map specific log file.
When an error occurs, this is where the log file gets very long.
I'm not saying this is the best option for saving output, but it is the quickest in terms of developer time. It would clearly be preferable to have a dedicated log file located in the modSettings/RealLifeNumbers/savegamex folder. This way it is not overwritten when you play another map.
one question, why does the log file have to be used? I have one that is already 300 kB in size and is getting bigger and bigger, if there are other problems with a mod, you can no longer upload this file in forums - data limit
Think about something else, how to, the tracking of your scripts and xmls, a separate file that is renewed again and again, preferably then and ModSettings - Savegame - Number - LOG.Text
eine Frage, warum muss die Log Datei dabei benutzt werden?? Ich habe eine die jetzt schon 300 kB groß ist und immer größer wird, solltet es andere Probleme geben mit einem Mod, kann man in Foren nicht mehr diese Datei hoch laden - Datenlimit
Überlege dir etwas anderes wie man, die Nachverfolgung deiner Scripte und xmls, eine eigende Datei die sich immer wieder erneuert, am besten dann und ModSettings - Savegame - Nummer - LOG.Text
A temporary solution to the issue reported by ASCtoppi has been found.
In the script RealNumbersAnimalScaling.lua line 2284, change the old line to the new line.
-- local animalTypeName = RN.animalScaling.animalName[animalName]; -- old line
local animalTypeName = RN.animalValues[animalName].animalType; -- new line
I will update a new version when the script has had further testing.
Please let me know, how the fix works for you.
hallo, danke für den Mod, bekomme diesen Fehler immer beim beenden des Monats. Spiele auf der Mod Map von Pandahma und habe im NOV mit deinem Mod angefangen zu spielen, Daten wie in der Anleitung erstellt und kopiert. Vom NOV zu DEZ der gleiche Fehler und von DEZ zu JAN das gleiche, also immer wenn der Monat beendet ist.
hello, thanks for the mod, always get this error when ending the month. Play on Pandahma's mod map and started playing with your mod in NOV, created and copied data as instructed. The same error from NOV to DEC and the same from DEC to JAN, i.e. whenever the month ends.
D:/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_RealLifeNumbers/RealNumbersAnimalScaling.lua:2287: attempt to compare nil with number
2022-01-24 01:28 RealNumbersCalendarInfo:update
2022-01-24 01:28 current year = 1
2022-01-24 01:28 current Season = 3
2022-01-24 01:28 current period = 10
2022-01-24 01:28 current month = 12
2022-01-24 01:28 current year = 1
2022-01-24 01:28 current Day In Season = 1
2022-01-24 01:28 days Per Period = 5
2022-01-24 01:28 current Day In Period = 1
2022-01-24 01:28 current Monotonic Day = 22
2022-01-24 01:28 currentDay = 46
2022-01-24 01:28 current Hour = 0
2022-01-24 01:28 current Minute = 14
2022-01-24 01:28 curent month is not a grazing month
2022-01-24 01:28
2022-01-24 01:30 Info: Savegame Setting 'economicDifficulty': 2
2022-01-24 01:30 Game saved successfully.
Achso eine Frage noch wenn man pro Monat mit mehren Tagen spielen will, muss man da was ändern oder passt sich Dein Script an.
Ahso a question if you want to play a month with several days, you have to change something or adjust your script?
Hallo, Danke für die Version 8. Nun fehlt nur noch die reduzierte Wartung und ist beim Helferlohn auch was geplant in Richtung real? Dann wird es so langsam perfekt. Danke für dein tolle Arbeit.
Ich oder wir testen es übrigens auch im MP auf Server.
Hello, Thank you for version 8. Now only the reduced maintenance is missing and is what is planned in the direction of real at the helper’s salary? Then it’s going to be perfect. Thank you for your great work.
By the way, I or we also test it in the MP on server.
If you are playing the new UK map, Calmsden Farm, by Oygendavid, try the new updated distribution (Ver. It now contains three different sets of xml data files for UK, France and US, respectively.
Hallo, wäre es möglich das Du die wartungskosten die viel zu hoch und somit unreal sind im LS22 auch mit reinnimmst? Es gibt ein script von Ifkonator wo die Wartungskosten um die Hälfte senkt also scheint nicht so aufwendig zu sein.
Grüße und Danke JS39
Hello, would it be possible that you have the maintenance costs that are much too high and therefore unreal in the LS22 with pure? There is a script from Ifkonator where the maintenance costs are halved so it doesn’t seem to be so expensive.
Greetings and thanks JS39
I have noticed two issues in version
1. The transport fee for sheep is way to high. You can edit them to be similar to pigs.
2. The price of land is reset to 25000€/ha automatically, even if you have changed it in my_farmland.xml.
To fix the latter you need to open RealNumbersFieldPrices.lua in an editor, find line 260.
It says:
g_farmlandManager.pricePerHa = 25000;
Change is to:
g_farmlandManager.pricePerHa = RN.fieldPrices.pricePerHa;
Then it will be using the number read from the xml file.
Gefällt mir super was Du Dir für 22 noch alles einfallen lässt. Wird der höhere Kreditrahmen auch noch kommen? % Sterne hast Du jetzt schon.
I there JS39, Thank you for your kind words. Are you talking about the max loan amount? I think that could easily be included in a future update.