Again,i don't understand people who gives a bad rating,for me it's a 4 stars (overall)the interior is a strong 5 stars probably the best interior for a truck in FS 2013,the only thing i notice is you forgot to align the high beam but i fix it in 2 min so it's not so bad.Thank you very much for this awesome truck i really like it
Can you tell me what high bean i forgot to align ? Tell me the i3d index i forgot and the xml please so i dont make that mistake again ! And thanks for your kind words
the index is 0>14|0 (fernlicht) coronas and beams they are above the hood :),but like i said pretty much anybody i think can fix this,and again thank you for this nice truck i appreciate it
1 Comments for 2009 Range rover
Again,i don't understand people who gives a bad rating,for me it's a 4 stars (overall)the interior is a strong 5 stars probably the best interior for a truck in FS 2013,the only thing i notice is you forgot to align the high beam but i fix it in 2 min so it's not so bad.Thank you very much for this awesome truck i really like it