hello there is a v1 as he had made, there you will find a >anständige Beschreibung< how to do this, i looked at it since my rolltor did not open , after seen that and my german is very rusty i did made it work, well that the same with this one i thx you for uploading this and no errors in my log :) thx br joe dk
2 Comments for Rolltor
why don't u made it placeable ? we all love to modify the maps on fly..
hello there is a v1 as he had made, there you will find a >anständige Beschreibung< how to do this, i looked at it since my rolltor did not open , after seen that and my german is very rusty i did made it work, well that the same with this one i thx you for uploading this and no errors in my log :) thx br joe dk