Hello. You wrote that changed the price of the soil sample. Where it can be viewed or changed. It seems to me that the price remains the same - $ 150. Thank you.
Yes I change the price of soil samples. Inside the zip file for the mod you will find the file named PresisionFarming.xml.
On line 20 you will find a statement starting with <sampling
The prices for soil samples can be set on this line.
I use: pricePerSample="5 10 15"
The three numbers are for Easy/Normal/Hard levels. 15 is a number I have seen when Googling, so it is a realistic price.
If you also use the mod called FS19_PrecisionFarmingAddon there are more numbers to change. In the zip file locate the file geologistModule.lua inside the "modules" folder.
At line 36 - 38 I have:
self.samplePerHectare = 10
self.basePrice = {10, 20, 40}
self.pricePerHectare = {25, 50, 75}
My numbers are here rather arbitrary, just a level of expense I can accept.
When you have saved the files, rezip the mod folder.
Warning. You will change the creation date of the file in this process. This will make Farming Simulator think you need an update because the creation date no longer match what's on Modhub. If you just press Update you are back with the original file.
If you play Multiplayer games, different creation dates will also cause problems.
Hello. I am pleased with the next update.
Faced such a mistake:
Error: Running LUA method 'loadMapFinished'.
E:/FARMING_SIMULATOR/mods/FS19_RealLifeNumbers_UK/RealNumbersPrecisionSpraying.lua:445: attempt to concatenate local 'currency' (a nil value)
It is associated with the use of this mod New Currencies from ModHub.
I looked at how the currency is determined in other your scripts and also made it (after all it worked).
Hi again. I continue to use your mod. Now I have three pens with cows. But if you press lAlt-ra, it seems that the calculation is done only for one pen. Because "Current number of cows = 40", but this is only in one of them, in the second, also 40 and in the third 110!
Thank you for informing me. This script reads the number of animals from the items.xml file. Hence it will not show the correct number of animals until you restart that map. It is meant as a planning tool. So it will help you match the number of animals to the hectares of feed crop you need to feed the animals. Let me know if you think this is why the numbers do not match your number of animals.
Yes. The number of animals only indicates one of the three pens. Now showed 110 cows.
But that strange, the necessary area of cultures remained the same as at 40 cows. Maybe this is for the total number of cows 110 + 40 + 40?
Hello again. I have not had the time to test it out myself. It only registers animals where the owner-ID equals the farmer-ID (you). I'm afraid things are not that connected. The need for feed and land is predicted in a script called RealNumbersAnnualFeedPrediction.lua. It is meant to be a prediction tool, like, if I had this many animals how much feed and lad do I need? So, completely independent of the number of animals you have at the moment, it will do these predictions based on a fictive number of animals you have entered into that script.
Around line 554 you will find the code:
RNS.cows1.numberMature = { .....};
The numbers in this line are your test numbers.
There are similar lines of code for the other types of animals farther down the script.
I teach two new courses this semester and work around the clock to keep ahead of next weeks lectures. So sadly, I don't have time for playing FS tis spring.
I just tried to add 10 cows to a remote pasture. And it did not include them in the count. So, it seems to fail to include other pastures. I'll look into it, when I can find the time.
When Seasons was releashed, RealLifeNumbers was adjusted to work together with Seasons. For this reason, RealLifeNumbers only works with Season. There are older versions (pre Seasons release) that can be downloaded. However, RealLifeNumbers have also been updated a number of times to work with many other mods. So older versions may not work at all.
I love this amazing mod and am so grateful to the Professor for making it.
But there's a bit of a problem when using the straw harvest addon with RLN. The pallets of pellets sell for about £13,000 (straw or hay) with the economy on 'hard'. For comparison the normal selling price of these pallets is bout £2500 on a map without RLN. Hopefully this can be fixed.
Thank you for letting me know. I never use the straw harvest addon myself because I play with Seasons, Multifruit and MaizePlus.But, I will try it out and see if it can be fixed.
Thank you for letting me know. I never use the straw harvest addon myself because I play with Seasons, Multifruit and MaizePlus.But, I will try it out.
The price of pellets vary a lot, but 25 €/100 kg is realistic for hay pellets and so is 10 € / 100 kg for straw pellets.
You can change the price in the script RealNumbersForageCrops.lua. For hay in line 1321 and for straw in line 1317.
Simply unzip the mod into a folder. Edit the lines mentioned. Rezip the mod and put it back into your mods folder.
I can't figure out why. I play with the Seasons. 9 days a season (36 days a year). Now is the last day of spring, but the mod says that it is now the 3rd game day of the year. Should be 9th!
Game days per year : 36
Game days per season : 9
Day in season : 9 !!!!!!!!!
Current month : May
Game days since start : 105
Game day of the year : 3 ??????
Rent termination day : 1
Rent days left : 34
Rent year fraction left : 0.944
105 game days since start corresponds to the 3rd game day of the fourth year. But it should then be in March, not May. So something went wrong.
Cannot say at the moment what caused it. Changing the number of Gamedays Per Season along the way would likely cause an error.
The "105" is taken right out of g_currentMission.environment.currentDay
The month is taken out of g_seasons.weather.environment.period
There was an error in RLN as "October" was missing in the list of months. But I think the months from January to September should be listed correctly.
On the first game day of the year your field lease discontinues and you cannot renew the field leasing contract or lease any other field on that day. You need to wait until the next day.
I can confirm that if you have loaded more than one pallet into the seeder, it will only unload 1 pallet. Hence you will loose the rest. I tried to only set the pallet fill level to 80 L, leaving the pallet capacity at 2100. However, it made no difference and in this case the store will display 2100 L even if there is only 80 L in the pallet. So the best option for now is to only load the seeder with such an amount of seed that there will not be more than one pallet left in the seeder when done.
If I unload extra seeds from the seeder into a pallet (for example 170 liters of sunflower), then I get only ONE pallet of 80 liters (in the store it is also 80 liters). But where are my 90 liters? They are gone. I think this is due to the fact that for the game the pallet remains with a capacity of 2100 liters, but the mod only loads 80 there.
Thank you for letting me know. I'll check it out. RLN changes the pallet capacity to a reduced volume. But, RLN has not done anything to the unload mechanism.
Version is an intermediate release which fixes the issue with cotton bales. It contains other new features, that are still in the making, but not yet documented in the manual.
The latest update of Global Company (1.3.0) introduces cotton bale to the store. This causes RealLifeNumbers to fail in the upstart. A fix is coming soon.
It appears that the main data table RN has not been defined. This happens in the script RealNumbersInitializationUK.lua. This is were all the parameters are defined. If a syntax error has been created while modifying parameter values, then this script will not run, and an error will arise when some other script is using an undefined parameter.
You can tell from the log file if RealNumbersInitializatioUK.lua has run. If it has, then there should be two lines in the log:
-----FS19_RealLifeNumbers_UK by ArmChairFarming-----
FS19_RealLifeNumbers: RealNumbersInitialization active
These two lines would be missing if RealNumbersInitializationUK.lua has not run.
2020-01-17 21:19 Error: Running LUA method 'loadMapFinished'.
2020-01-17 21:19 C:/Users/milin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/fs19 british an irish mods/FS19_RealLifeNumbers_UK/RealNumbersCropYield.lua:129: attempt to index global 'RN' (a nil value)
14 Comments for FS19_RealLifeNumbers_UK
Hello. You wrote that changed the price of the soil sample. Where it can be viewed or changed. It seems to me that the price remains the same - $ 150. Thank you.
Hello. I am pleased with the next update.
Faced such a mistake:
Error: Running LUA method 'loadMapFinished'.
E:/FARMING_SIMULATOR/mods/FS19_RealLifeNumbers_UK/RealNumbersPrecisionSpraying.lua:445: attempt to concatenate local 'currency' (a nil value)
It is associated with the use of this mod New Currencies from ModHub.
I looked at how the currency is determined in other your scripts and also made it (after all it worked).
Can this change something to spoil?
And again: October is still not in the list.
Hi again. I continue to use your mod. Now I have three pens with cows. But if you press lAlt-ra, it seems that the calculation is done only for one pen. Because "Current number of cows = 40", but this is only in one of them, in the second, also 40 and in the third 110!
FS19_RealLifeNumbers_UK/RealNumbersAnnualFeedPrediction.lua:88: attempt to index global 'g_seasons' (a nil value)
Hello again. If I run the game without Seasons, I get this error. (I needed it for the test.)
I love this amazing mod and am so grateful to the Professor for making it.
But there's a bit of a problem when using the straw harvest addon with RLN. The pallets of pellets sell for about £13,000 (straw or hay) with the economy on 'hard'. For comparison the normal selling price of these pallets is bout £2500 on a map without RLN. Hopefully this can be fixed.
I can't figure out why. I play with the Seasons. 9 days a season (36 days a year). Now is the last day of spring, but the mod says that it is now the 3rd game day of the year. Should be 9th!
Game days per year : 36
Game days per season : 9
Day in season : 9 !!!!!!!!!
Current month : May
Game days since start : 105
Game day of the year : 3 ??????
Rent termination day : 1
Rent days left : 34
Rent year fraction left : 0.944
I changed these parameters:
<fillUnit unit="$l10n_unit_literShort" fillTypes="seed_sunflower" capacity="80" startFillType="seed_sunflower" startFillLevel="80" >
Now several pallets of 80 liters are unloaded at once.
PS. For some reason, I can't write a response to the previous post, only a new message.
local months = {"March","April","May","June","July","August","September","November","December","January","February"};
There is no "October" here. It should be?
As a temporary solution, I have now changed the volume of each pallet sed to match the RLN .
FS19_RealLifeNumbers_UK + FS19_realisticSeeder
If I unload extra seeds from the seeder into a pallet (for example 170 liters of sunflower), then I get only ONE pallet of 80 liters (in the store it is also 80 liters). But where are my 90 liters? They are gone. I think this is due to the fact that for the game the pallet remains with a capacity of 2100 liters, but the mod only loads 80 there.
Version is an intermediate release which fixes the issue with cotton bales. It contains other new features, that are still in the making, but not yet documented in the manual.
The latest update of Global Company (1.3.0) introduces cotton bale to the store. This causes RealLifeNumbers to fail in the upstart. A fix is coming soon.
Hello miliniun,
It appears that the main data table RN has not been defined. This happens in the script RealNumbersInitializationUK.lua. This is were all the parameters are defined. If a syntax error has been created while modifying parameter values, then this script will not run, and an error will arise when some other script is using an undefined parameter.
You can tell from the log file if RealNumbersInitializatioUK.lua has run. If it has, then there should be two lines in the log:
-----FS19_RealLifeNumbers_UK by ArmChairFarming-----
FS19_RealLifeNumbers: RealNumbersInitialization active
These two lines would be missing if RealNumbersInitializationUK.lua has not run.
2020-01-17 21:19 Error: Running LUA method 'loadMapFinished'.
2020-01-17 21:19 C:/Users/milin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/fs19 british an irish mods/FS19_RealLifeNumbers_UK/RealNumbersCropYield.lua:129: attempt to index global 'RN' (a nil value)
The US one works fine