I like your map very much and have been playing it in its various forms since version 2, and I have to say your latest version is about as good as FS13 gets.
I was wondering however if you would consider one more change.
To put in the soil mod.
While we wait for Giants to bring in the updates needed for FS15 and for the wonderful modders to do their work, I was wondering if you would consider this idea.
It would then be the one map, that would bring together all that FS13 has to offer.
i absolutely love this map! thanks to all the authors! no doubt the best map i've encountered!
question though: the old bales near the animal pens: how does one pick em up to sell them? i tried with baleforks but can't seem to get a move in them?
Do you mean the bales at the cow pasture?
You must go to the City Hall. There you can buy a mixing station for the cows. and where the bales are, there will be the mixing station.
please hel p me with this error Error: C:/Users/Shion/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/savegame1/vehicles.xml(3): Error parsing Element.
data/character/farmer/farmer_player.i3d (1.75mb in 204.15 ms)
Hallo, zunächst einmal herzlichen Glückwunsch zu der Karte, es ist wunderbar ... aber ich habe zwei kleine Probleme, wenn ich auf einem Traktor Kauf und Mods SDF-Gruppe (SAME DEUTZ lamborghini) zu bekommen, bleibt alles stehen und ich muss das Spiel beenden. Das Gleiche gilt, wenn ich stecken forestmod und in den Laden, um eine halbe kaufen um ... Was können Sie tun? Vielen Dank und sorry für den deutschen ... (google Verwendung tralsate)
Problem! nach einer Woche spielen die Schafe produzieren keine Wolle.
Sie können etwas über den übermäßigen Verbrauch der Fahrzeuge zu tun? In Wirklichkeit verbraucht er viel weniger!
whenever i load a savegame i lose all my vehicles. I do not have any other maps installed in my modfolder (even removed genuine map that comes with morerealistic mod). i use morerealistic mod v 1.3.36 along with some tractor/trailer mods. any ideas how to fix this or what might cause this?
v5.0.3 has completely ruined my save game. Shop prices are different from single player and mutiplayer (on exact same save) and my dedicated server refuses to even run the map now
Is there an update coming to correct the growth rates and yields? They seem to be much smaller than before.
Do I need to use the herbicide mod? It was my understanding if we did not want to play with weeds we just did not put the multi sprayer mod into the folder
(I'm sorry if others have answered these already, I do not speak German and Google translate is not very good)
12 Comments for Hagensted Modified 2013
Dear Mr Blacky,
I like your map very much and have been playing it in its various forms since version 2, and I have to say your latest version is about as good as FS13 gets.
I was wondering however if you would consider one more change.
To put in the soil mod.
While we wait for Giants to bring in the updates needed for FS15 and for the wonderful modders to do their work, I was wondering if you would consider this idea.
It would then be the one map, that would bring together all that FS13 has to offer.
Please consider it.
i absolutely love this map! thanks to all the authors! no doubt the best map i've encountered!
question though: the old bales near the animal pens: how does one pick em up to sell them? i tried with baleforks but can't seem to get a move in them?
Wo man die Chips verkaufen?
Kein Preis in PDA.
Ich entschuldige mich für google translate!
please hel p me with this error Error: C:/Users/Shion/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/savegame1/vehicles.xml(3): Error parsing Element.
data/character/farmer/farmer_player.i3d (1.75mb in 204.15 ms)
Hallo, zunächst einmal herzlichen Glückwunsch zu der Karte, es ist wunderbar ... aber ich habe zwei kleine Probleme, wenn ich auf einem Traktor Kauf und Mods SDF-Gruppe (SAME DEUTZ lamborghini) zu bekommen, bleibt alles stehen und ich muss das Spiel beenden. Das Gleiche gilt, wenn ich stecken forestmod und in den Laden, um eine halbe kaufen um ... Was können Sie tun? Vielen Dank und sorry für den deutschen ... (google Verwendung tralsate)
Problem! nach einer Woche spielen die Schafe produzieren keine Wolle.
Sie können etwas über den übermäßigen Verbrauch der Fahrzeuge zu tun? In Wirklichkeit verbraucht er viel weniger!
whenever i load a savegame i lose all my vehicles. I do not have any other maps installed in my modfolder (even removed genuine map that comes with morerealistic mod). i use morerealistic mod v 1.3.36 along with some tractor/trailer mods. any ideas how to fix this or what might cause this?
v5.0.3 has completely ruined my save game. Shop prices are different from single player and mutiplayer (on exact same save) and my dedicated server refuses to even run the map now
Is there an update coming to correct the growth rates and yields? They seem to be much smaller than before.
Do I need to use the herbicide mod? It was my understanding if we did not want to play with weeds we just did not put the multi sprayer mod into the folder
(I'm sorry if others have answered these already, I do not speak German and Google translate is not very good)
Ich habe genau das gleiche Problem. Es wächst einfach nichts...
Leider wächst nichts! immer in dem gleichen Zustand
Ich ziehe meinen Hut vor, die Karte ist wunderschön und so Funktionen.
Für mich ist und bleibt die beste Karte von Landwirtschafts-Simulator 2013.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch, gefolgt von einem Dankeschön.
This has been my favorite map since th 1st version came out. I love your mods Blacky :)
Thank you for all your hard work