Download download Mod pack 'Hand animation'

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  1. skoomalegend 10. 02 2014

    I had a problem when i reset from the shop to the farm. i buy one, and when i reset it from the shop to the farm, more show up without buying them everytime i reset it. tryed it with the Ursus included in the instructions, and same thing. the log shows no error thou when doing this.

  2. dimanix 03. 02 2014

    I do everything as it is written but not get anything! hand moves with the wheel!
    maybe not enough yet kakihto specializations

  3. most sinister 02. 02 2014

    The Holly Grail has been recovered! Now everybody can stop everything and go home. It's done!
    Now will be days of putting arms into "steerable" "cylindered".
    Not only you guys deserve a credit but a bag of money and a kiss
