Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/nono/Desktop/FS15_John_Deere_DB120/JD Db/Pipes/Semeato_SOL_TOWER/Texturas/dirt_normal.png'.
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] ID47'.
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] ID31_clone'.
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh1 Component_344_1_clone'.
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] KINZEsupportculte'.
C:\Users\nono\Desktop\FS15_John_Deere_DB120\JohnDeereDB120.i3d (1544.44 ms)
2 Comments for John Deere DB120
wieviel meter hat die sähmaschine
Final mod ?????
Please fix
Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/nono/Desktop/FS15_John_Deere_DB120/JD Db/Pipes/Semeato_SOL_TOWER/Texturas/dirt_normal.png'.
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] ID47'.
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] ID31_clone'.
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Mesh1 Component_344_1_clone'.
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] KINZEsupportculte'.
C:\Users\nono\Desktop\FS15_John_Deere_DB120\JohnDeereDB120.i3d (1544.44 ms)
Please fix