Download download Mod 'The Isle Of Man 17'

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3 Comments for The Isle Of Man 17

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  1. rob230580 04. 01 2017

    I like this map, its fun ;) can anyone tell me what "fuels"?? I need to make the wood boards, I added the logs and I need fuel but which kind of fuel?? I tried normal fuel already...

  2. LSModding 31. 12 2016

    A huge f*** up there mate, the Isle of Man is still british and as we all know the Brits drive on the right side of the road, which incidently is the left side of the road. Also you won*t find american style postboxes. Work on it! LOL

    Hope you will add more features and more fields. I'm rather interested in this map. So far it is hardly usable, so i wait with my ratings.

  3. unregistered user 31. 12 2016

    The Isle Of Man V1

    Your father has retired now you got to continue is works.
    People of the island depend on you, with the help of workers
    and your experience will be you capable of managing your farm?

    In the Map you have Animals
    Train and Vehicles start and rental Vehicles to help you
    Forest and Triggers for Train Wood Sell Place
    The New MixingStation (Thanks GTX Mods) and Silage Silo
    The EMMERSON'S buy you Silage and Grass
    VehicleShop buy you WoodChips
    Now I wish you much fun from the Map

    To play this map please put the (CompostMaster2k17_placeable in the Mods Folder)
