sorry my german is not good so i hope you understand english. I really like the map.also in 17 was playing it a lot.Perhaps i m the only 1 but the factory on the farm it self to make pig food is not working.Is that not working or is it a bug.
PS keep up the great work and thank you for the map.
Greeting s from the netherlands
Hi Bulldog,
it is no bug, it does not work yet, because we are waiting for the Right script. There are no productions in LS 19 yet because of the missing scripts.
da es aktuell noch kein Fabrikscript gibt, sind weiterverarbeitende fabriken noch ohne funktion.
dadurch funktionieren auch solche gebäude wie das futtermischanlage noch nicht. sie werden aber funktionieren sobald das fabrikskript für den ls 19 herrauskommt. genauso kann man aktuell die bga nicht erwerben, dies wird mit dem nächsten update gefixt benutzen kann man die bga aber nur die fahrsilos anscheinend nicht.
Since there is currently no factory script, processing factories are still without function.
as a result, such buildings as the feed mixing plant do not work yet. but they will work as soon as the factory script for the ls 19 comes out. just as you can not currently buy the bga, this will be fixed with the next update you can use the bga but only the silos apparently not. sorry googel translation
63 Comments for Südhemmern
Oke was just wandering .Thank you and i really like the map a lot.
sorry my german is not good so i hope you understand english. I really like the map.also in 17 was playing it a lot.Perhaps i m the only 1 but the factory on the farm it self to make pig food is not working.Is that not working or is it a bug.
PS keep up the great work and thank you for the map.
Greeting s from the netherlands
hi this is a nice map but i have a problem with the foodmix house i cant put anything in it can you please help