Download download Map 'Final BurgenlandkreisMap'

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4 Comments for Final BurgenlandkreisMap

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  1. Joe`s farm dk 13. 04 2012

    well not too be stupid. but th BGA is just for fill not really a key point in this game, well that what i think. i almost never have time to go there and fill th silos and then use it , for cash, i rather use my fields and cows,milk transport usw. but allmost all map have th bga, so it hot i guss :) br joe dk

  2. aleksandr 13. 04 2012

    Maybe the conflict modes

  3. Pegas 13. 04 2012

    also ma echt ne geile map!!!

  4. aleksandr 13. 04 2012

    map did not appear in the game
