Download download Mod 'Country Of Fruits'

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5 Comments for Country Of Fruits

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  1. Beppo2012 28. 06 2020


    Ich spiele immer noch LS15 . Ich habe nun auf dieser Map Erdbeeren angesät nun habe ich ein Problem das ich die nicht ernten kann habe schon alles versucht. Kann mir bitte einer einen Rat geben.danke

  2. Percise 02. 04 2016

    Hello, great map, I've been playing for a couple of months now. Question, Do you or anyone know how to get the sugar(Zucker) out of the Sugar factory. I have zucker at 100% and I have tried several trailers at the trigger point under the pipe but nothing comes out? Thanks anyone. God Bless.

  3. Percise 02. 04 2016

    Hello, great map, I've been playing for a couple of months now. Question, Do you or anyone know how to get the sugar(Zucker) out of the Sugar factory. I have zucker at 100% and I have tried several trailers at the trigger point under the pipe but nothing comes out? Thanks anyone and God Bles


  4. boertje31 27. 01 2016

    how do i get fuel for the fabrik

  5. Ray000 15. 12 2015

    Could someone tell me how to harvest plums. I can plant and grow plums using the seeder, but I cannot find a mod to harvest the plums. The harvesters in the mod pack with this map does not include plums. Any advise is welcome.
