Nice! but it only holds 8 pallets. I can't get 2 pallets side by side as it should be.
That's jut because pallets are not in scale 1:1 They are bigger than you should be. Trailer scale is according to truck scale, so it fits perfect. Sorry but that is a fault of GIANTS, they already made with the first LS
Wauw! That trailerset looks awesome! But unfortunately it says nothing about the trucks! Where can we find these beautiful trucks?
One truck can be found at
eine wirklich tolle mod nur kann ich die Seiten und die hintere Tür offen , es sei denn ich ihn laden die Segel enge Kopplung an die LKW und dann plötzlich kann ich die Segel nicht bekommen Hilfe ?
Wenn ich es richtig verstehe hast du das Problem mit den Triggern. Solltest du DriveControl installiert haben, schalte mal bitte den Motor ab. If I understand you correct, you have the problem with the triggers. Do you have DriveControl installed? If yes, just turn off the engine.
Nice mod, tank you very much. But is it possible to let the trailer load chickens in crates. 4,9 out of 5,0 with chickens ith would be perfect. keep going
I thought about animals but wasn't sure how to visualize them in a good way. I keep that in mind.
What a great mod this is! Thank you so much!
5 Comments for Schmitz Cargobull Set
Nice! but it only holds 8 pallets. I can't get 2 pallets side by side as it should be.
Wauw! That trailerset looks awesome! But unfortunately it says nothing about the trucks!
Where can we find these beautiful trucks?
eine wirklich tolle mod nur kann ich die Seiten und die hintere Tür offen , es sei denn ich ihn laden die Segel enge Kopplung an die LKW und dann plötzlich kann ich die Segel nicht bekommen Hilfe ?
Nice mod, tank you very much. But is it possible to let the trailer load chickens in crates.
4,9 out of 5,0 with chickens ith would be perfect. keep going
What a great mod this is! Thank you so much!