Download download Mod 'Fendt 700 Vario S4'

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1 Comments for Fendt 700 Vario S4

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  1. XMcEngelX 17. 10 2022

    Warning (performance): Width or height doesn't equal 2^n of mip-mapped texture C:/Users/XMcEnGeLX/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Fendt700VarioS4/textures/
    2022-10-17 08:55 C:/Users/XMcEnGeLX/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Fendt700VarioS4/vario700.i3d (627.26 ms)
    2022-10-17 08:55 Warning (C:/Users/XMcEnGeLX/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Fendt700VarioS4/vario700.xml): I3D file offers '3' objects, but '2' components have been loaded!
    2022-10-17 08:55 C:/Users/XMcEnGeLX/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Fendt700VarioS4/wheels/hubs/hubs.i3d (3.10 ms)
    2022-10-17 08:55 data/shared/wheels/tires/trelleborg/TM800/R30_TM800.i3d (19.47 ms)
    2022-10-17 08:55 data/vehicles/fendt/vario700/sounds/vario700_loop.gls version 14 (0.28 ms)
    2022-10-17 08:55 data/shared/wheels/tires/trelleborg/TM800/R42_TM800.i3d (11.12 ms)
    2022-10-17 08:55 Warning (C:/Users/XMcEnGeLX/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Fendt700VarioS4/vario700.xml): Node 'rearLight22White' is not a real light source in 'vehicle.lights.realLights.high.light'
    2022-10-17 08:55 Warning (C:/Users/XMcEnGeLX/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Fendt700VarioS4/vario700.xml): Node 'rearLight22White' is not a real light source in 'vehicle.lights.realLights.high.light'
    2022-10-17 08:55 Error: Failed to find child 37 from node exhaustParticle, only 0 children given
    2022-10-17 08:55 LUA call stack:
    Bitte diese Probleme beheben .......... ansonsten ist es ein sehr gelungener Traktor
