Download download Map 'Falkland V1.0 Alfa test'

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2 Comments for Falkland V1.0 Alfa test

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  1. j_maybury 01. 01 2019

    I have spotted a tree in the air at [311.7, 633, 1549] and at [307.4, 593,1585] Just above the letter [R] of Animal Dealer in the larger of the two maps.
    At Landhandel [309.7, 661, 1659] there are three half buried items.
    At Molkerei there is a layer of mud at chimney height across the village,

    1 replies

  2. j_maybury 01. 01 2019

    I have just started and so far I have found; On field three one bench floating in the sky and grass growing in the bend of the road next to field three. hope to give you more feedback soon.
