Download download Mod 'JCB Fastrac 4220'

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4 Comments for JCB Fastrac 4220

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  1. Udo1970 31. 05 2016

    yep-- thats the two as i like them ( i ll power them up a bit for my personall purposes but will NOT REUPLOAD them ) .. and thanks for the FIXES as well as for your additional work ! ... WELL DONE ! keep on modding mate !

  2. Udo1970 24. 05 2016

    nice Mods just need to adjust the PNG entries in the XML files ;) .....i did so and am running the Mod-Pack on a Dedicated Server just nice .....if you d be so nice to redo the frontloader issue it will be a perfefct addition :) 4 of 5 stars from me ! ....keep on working ! :)

    1 replies

  3. madmex 24. 05 2016

    Is it also possible to make this and other version MP possible

    1 replies

  4. Wortel 19. 05 2016

    Next version will contain a Fastrac 4190 as well, with smaller wheels and frontloader. There are also some changes and two more attacherjoints above the backaxle. One for semitrailer and a new one called fastrac, created for tools at the back.

    I'm looking forward to see new mods for the fastrac attacherjoint from other modders

    1 replies
