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  1. getsome2030 25. 03 2013

    I have posted a map with the complex placed

  2. getsome2030 23. 03 2013

    Thank you for all your comments and suggestions.

    To install: you need to have some basic knowledge using Giants Editor (GE)

    step 1. unzip the file ''
    step 2. open the 'add this line to your modDesc map.xml' file select all the <extraSourceFiles> text and copy it into your maps modDesc.xml file.
    step 3. copy MapSiloBand directory to the map you want to install the mod in; it must go into your maps directory; for example: 'FarmCentral\map\models\objects\'.
    Note: do not change the name of the "MapSiloBand" directory
    step 4. open your map in (GE) import feedComplex.i3d file and place it where you want it, you can also import the feedStoreSellPoint.i3d if you need a sell trigger.

    Save and it should all work! if you have a problem with it not working, 9 times out of 10 it is because the path to the MapSiloBand directory isn't correct.

    Hope this helps and that you enjoy the layout.

    The whole purpose is to make it Course-play user friendly.

