Download download Mod 'Maschio Gaspardo Gabbiano 6m'

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2 Comments for Maschio Gaspardo Gabbiano 6m

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  1. ingo123 19. 03 2019

    Error: Not all prerequisites of specialization workArea are fulfilled

  2. Mecky007 07. 03 2019

    Hi, hab ein paar errors im Spiel, bei dem Grubber:
    2019-03-06 15:36 Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/Modding/Conv/FS17_Maschio_Gabbiano_6000_Super_V2_(1)/shared/'.
    2019-03-06 15:36 C:/Users/MichaelUdo/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Maschio_Gabbiano_6000_Super/Maschio_Gabbiano_6000_Super.i3d (274.23 ms)
    2019-03-06 15:36 Warning (C:/Users/MichaelUdo/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Maschio_Gabbiano_6000_Super/Maschio_Gabbiano_6000_Super.xml): Missing 'mass' for 'vehicle.base.components.component(0)'. Using default mass 500kg instead!
    2019-03-06 15:36 Error: Can't load resource 'data/sounds/cultivatorHydraulic.wav'.
    2019-03-06 15:36 Error: Can't load sample 'data/sounds/cultivatorHydraulic.wav'.
    2019-03-06 15:36 Warning (C:/Users/MichaelUdo/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Maschio_Gabbiano_6000_Super/Maschio_Gabbiano_6000_Super.xml): 'vehicle.cylindered.movingTools.movingTool(4).controls#iconFilename' is not supported anymore, use 'vehicle.cylindered.movingTools.movingTool(4).controls#iconName' instead!
    2019-03-06 15:36 Warning (C:/Users/MichaelUdo/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Maschio_Gabbiano_6000_Super/Maschio_Gabbiano_6000_Super.xml): 'vehicle.cylindered.movingTools.movingTool(5).controls#iconFilename' is not supported anymore, use 'vehicle.cylindered.movingTools.movingTool(5).controls#iconName' instead!
    2019-03-06 15:36 Warning (C:/Users/MichaelUdo/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Maschio_Gabbiano_6000_Super/Maschio_Gabbiano_6000_Super.xml): 'vehicle.cylindered.movingTools.movingTool(6).controls#iconFilename' is not supported anymore, use 'vehicle.cylindered.movingTools.movingTool(6).controls#iconName' instead!
    2019-03-06 15:36 Warning: RealLight node missing for light 'vehicle.lights.realLights.low.light(0)' in 'C:/Users/MichaelUdo/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Maschio_Gabbiano_6000_Super/Maschio_Gabbiano_6000_Super.xml'
    2019-03-06 15:36 Warning: Particle system emitter mesh 'soilEmitterShape' must be marked as a CPU Mesh or Emitter geometry name must contain 'emit' if it is set from script
    2019-03-06 15:36 Warning: Particle system emitter mesh 'smokeEmitterShape' must be marked as a CPU Mesh or Emitter geometry name must contain 'emit' if it is set from script
    2019-03-06 15:36 Warning: Particle system emitter mesh 'soilEmitterShape' must be marked as a CPU Mesh or Emitter geometry name must contain 'emit' if it is set from script

    Könntest du die noch beheben???
    Liebe Grüße

    1 replies

    1. AGTechModding 08. 03 2019

      I will fix it in the next version
