Download download Mod 'Amazon Crass Hopper'

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6 Comments for Amazon Crass Hopper

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  1. Michl1970 04. 11 2016

    Hallöchen, wird es den mod auch in LS 17 geben?

  2. badoxx 28. 08 2015

    how to straw collect ?

    1 replies

  3. kokkie20 22. 06 2015

    Version 2.0 is not good! Everytime i use the harvest hopper and i save my game and close it.
    It corrupts my vehicles.xml...
    Getting this error in the log:
    Error: C:/Users/Johnny/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/savegame2/vehicles.xml(295). Error parsing Element..

    Line 295:
    <vehicle id="47" modName="FS15_CrassHopperPack" filename="$moddir$FS15_CrassHopperPack/Amazone_CrassHopper_v20/Amazone_CrassHarvest.xml" isAbsolute="true" fuelFillLevel="235.07525881387" cruiseControl="240" operatingTime="74.887056241989" attacherJointComboDir="-1" fillLevel="601.1866666317" fillType="maize" pipeState="1" isStrawEnabled="false" workedHectars="0.025049444442987" dirtAmount="0.012785799583393" fillLevel="601.1866666317" fillType="maize" numDiscs="-6" gasLimiter="1" gearLimiter="1" workingHours="0" fourWheel="false" diffLockFront="false" diffLockBack="false" camFov1="54.432197570801" camFov2="54.432197570801" GPS_x="261.40431182671" GPS_z="-956.00579833984" GPS_dx="0" GPS_dz="1" GPS_Width="12.200012207031" GPS_Offset="0" GPS_Name="" GPSstoreInv="" >
    <component1 position="261.40502929688 100.22602844238 -935.59228515625" rotation="0.02766921184957 -0.00011472614278318 7.8052726166788e-006" />
    <courseplay aiMode="5" courses="" openHudWithMouse="true" lights="1" visualWaypoints="1" waitTime="0" multiSiloSelectedFillType="unknown">
    <speeds useRecordingSpeed="true" unload="6" turn="10" field="24" max="50" />
    <combi tipperOffset="0.0" combineOffset="0.0" combineOffsetAutoMode="true" fillFollow="50" fillDriveOn="90" turnDiameter="2" realisticDriving="true" />
    <fieldWork workWidth="3.0" ridgeMarkersAutomatic="true" offsetData="0.0;0.0;0.0;false" abortWork="0" refillUntilPct="100" />
    <combine driverPriorityUseFillLevel="false" stopWhenUnloading="false" />

  4. ringovik 20. 06 2015

    Es hat nichts von Landwirtschafts-Simulator

    1 replies

  5. skenzer2000 18. 06 2015

    This is a super fun mod. I love this thing and was glad to see a new version come out. It's not a serious tool but really handy for scooting around the farm and such. Makes mowing grass a lot more fun too...and handy to feed the sheep in a hurry.

  6. Warondar69 18. 06 2015

    Simply a really fun little machine to play with and very handy on top of that. Like a super modified quad/skidsteer/loader/lawnmower frankenstein. 5/5
