Download download Mod 'Stappenbach'

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  1. Anyone who knows where i can buy pigs?

  2. where you can load the slaughterweight beef . at the stall at the left top?

  3. HankHill2131 28. 06 2016

    So the version 1 soilmod edition doesn't have any of the updates/bug fixes that are in the GMK 2.1 version?

  4. ian898 28. 06 2016

    I have a problem I can not purchase any vehicles it says no room at store.

    2 replies

  5. Random Hero 28. 06 2016

    Where is the small farm you start with?

    1 replies

  6. Cafe 25. 06 2016

    This new version is not soilmod?

  7. Random Hero 25. 06 2016

    Wow, this is a great place to be. Very nice, feels like home! Very cool

  8. ator, plough and direct seeder for fertilizer use
    Warning: MapBuyableObjects can't load C:/Users/Tobias/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/savegame2/MapBuyableObjects.xml: Playing time is not 0, but Savegame XML does not exist.

    kann mir wer helfen mapBuyable objects habe ich aber in mein mod ordner drinne

  9. BlueShadow125 24. 06 2016

    the mod gives a warning in the log "warning: not enough space to place statistic element"
    is this a problem or am i safe?

  10. BlueShadow125 21. 06 2016

    I found a problem; you can work the fields if you do not own them...
    this removes the purpose of buying fields.
    will this be fixed

    1 replies

  11. TuneWar 21. 06 2016

    Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
    Error: Running LUA method 'mouseEvent'.
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/FruitUtil.lua(55) : table index is nil

    1 replies

  12. matix2x 20. 06 2016

    hello :)
    great map and everything ..but i have a problem ..i cant tipp grass or windrow grass in my silo..i downloaded everything for silo that is recommended but it says grass is not accepted here:(

  13. comtesseamy29 19. 06 2016

    hello, your card is so beautiful that it would be something that could be good, if you can of course, it's to make a PDF file that will explain all fonstions the map, buildings, etc ... ... to me, his would help me a lot because I do not speak German, and I'm sorry.
    I thank you immensely if you made.

  14. Astropolis 19. 06 2016

    Amazing map! But its a shame that you can't merge the fields together.. too many small fields for my liking.

    1 replies

  15. madmex 19. 06 2016

    I have the prob that with the soil version I cannot buy other vehicle, also when I buy the cow farm the game is crashing.

  16. Klobo 02. 06 2016

    Hi, I'm playing the soilmod version, everything works fine except one thing. I loaded the compost in the spreader but when I spread it on the field there is no particle effect and I get only the moisture texture. Moreover when I plow/cultivate I get no effect to N and PK as I should according to the soilmod. I did some research and the reason appears to be that in the map I3D file there are some missing entries.
    According to this post there is no <FoliageSubLayer name="compost_soil"... entry even if the compost is registered as a fill type (since I can produce and load it on trailers).
    Does anyone have a solution for this issue? Or a detailed explanation on how to add the missing lines?
    Thanks guys, awesome map!!

  17. Bluepower7030 31. 05 2016

    hi can someone help if i play the game for a few minutes then something happen that i cant steer or drive a vehicle and i losing money does anyone know what that problem is ?

    1 replies

  18. bigpappy777 19. 05 2016

    Where is the starting farm located?

    1 replies

  19. Sleepy1 17. 05 2016

    I can't buy beef cattle or pigs at the agrarsius, i parked the fliegl animal trailer where i am supposed to, but no menu or anything, the animals dont even show up in the shop, please help :)

    1 replies

  20. Johnny_Boi 15. 05 2016

    Where do i get water? i can't find it.

    1 replies
