Has a few problems which don't appear until you buy the truck. the flat trailer doesn't appear at the shop and when you attach a container it won't go onto the back of the truck (aka the arm won't move)
Hallo Ziet er goeduit ga hem zeker ff testen. Welke containers kun je het beste gebruiken? Grt
agroliner its en de container bij de mod niet vergeten voor de aanhanger los te koppel de container/lading eerst los maken
2 Comments for Volvo F12 HKL
Has a few problems which don't appear until you buy the truck. the flat trailer doesn't appear at the shop and when you attach a container it won't go onto the back of the truck (aka the arm won't move)
Ziet er goeduit ga hem zeker ff testen. Welke containers kun je het beste gebruiken?