Download download Mod 'Fliegl DPW 180 with much more tension belts (16) and color selection.'

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1 Comments for Fliegl DPW 180 with much more tension belts (16) and color selection.

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  1. unregistered user 02. 11 2016

    Great mod I understand it's version 1 I noticed a few errors and and how to fix them for you.
    In the modDesc.xml you forgot to add .png on line 15 labeled: <iconFilename>store_flieglDPW180.png</iconFilename>

    And for the flieglDPW180.xml you have one extra tension belt listed on line 86 just need to delete that and replace line 85 which then comes line 86 with:
    <tensionBelt startNode="0>7|16" endNode="0>7|16|0" offsetRight="1.2" />

    Just minor oversights great job though.
