Download download Mod 'BGA Silo'

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3 Comments for BGA Silo

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  1. Hi ich hab folgendes Problem nach den einbau:
    MapBGASilo: bgaSilo.xml can not be found, BGASilo saves not loaded.
    Script SchlammLoch v1.0.1-19 by Marhu registered in 73 vehicleTypes! Support on
    C:/Users/Felix Z/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Schoenebeck/scripts/dirtPS/dirt_1.i3d (34.17 ms)
    --- loading AutoCombine v4.01 by mogli ---
    AutoCombine was inserted on combine_animated
    AutoCombine was inserted on combine_animated_crawler
    AutoCombine was inserted on combine_cylindered
    AutoCombine was inserted on combine
    AutoCombine was inserted on selfPropelledPotatoHarvester
    *** ChoppedStraw v15.0.05 specialization loading ***
    --- loading complexBGA mod V3.03 --- (by upsidedown)
    --- loading biogas residues tool as part of BGAextension mod V3.03 ---
    --- loading driveControl mod V3.91 (by upsidedown)---
    --- fast Forward Mod V1.3 loaded --- (by upsidedown)
    --- loading GPS mod V4.21 --- (by upsidedown and gotchTOM)
    --- loading greenFertilizer mod V1.0--- (by upsidedown)
    --- loading siloExtension mod V2.0 --- (by upsidedown)
    --- loading addMultiFruit mod V3.0 --- (by upsidedown)
    --- loading multiFruit Module: C:/Users/Felix Z/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//ZZZ_multiFruitModule_Standard/multiFruit_config.xml --- (by upsidedown)
    --- loading multiMowing mod V3.0 --- (by upsidedown)
    Warning (LUA): Unknown entity id 0 in method name: getNumOfChildren.
    LUA call stack:
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/BaseMission.lua(2207) : getNumOfChildren
    =C:/Users/Felix Z/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Schoenebeck/SampleModMap.lua(68) : loadI3D
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/FSBaseMission.lua(1416) : asyncCallbackFunction
    Error: Running LUA method 'loadMapFinished'.
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/BaseMission.lua(2207) : attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value
    Application exit request forced.
    Application exit request forced.

    1 replies

  2. unregistered user 02. 06 2016


    danke für die Silos. Habe in der Log diese Einträge gefunden:
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (Kolli1)
    Warning: MapBGASilo [silage-silo | id: 213446] UserAttribute /siloAnimClipName/ is set, but Clip not found!
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (Kolli1)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (Kolli1)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (Kolli1)
    Warning: MapBGASilo [silage-silo | id: 213507] UserAttribute /siloAnimClipName/ is set, but Clip not found!
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (Kolli1)
    Warning (physics): Static actor moved (Kolli1)

    Diese Einträge habe ich beim alten, wo ich vorsorglich die bgaSilo.xml entfernt habe, sowie bei einem neuen Spielstand.


    1 replies

  3. Galwaygrass 02. 02 2016

    Has anyone a copy of the mapbgasilo mod? I cannot log onto planet ls

    1 replies
