Download download Mod 'Fuel adjustment FuelAdjust'

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2 Comments for Fuel adjustment FuelAdjust

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  1. Vespel 29. 11 2014

    I see in the comment of Coach "virenalarm" thats mean a virus but i don't really understand and the translator is not 100% effective.
    Otherwise this mods is for what? You consume more fuel,because the game doesn't consume a lot of fuel in my opinion,so this mod will increase the fuel consumption,if so it's a great mod and i will DL it but it's the "virenalarm" that i don't understand.If a felow German can help me i would really appreciate it.
    Best regards Vespel

    2 replies

  2. Sheathanaich 29. 11 2014

    Wonderful mod, anything that makes this game more realistic is a win for me...Have you thought about being able to move the hud elements in game (Like the compass mod)
    Kudos M8...5*
