thx for the mod. that the "more animals" dont starve to death, you have to add/change following things:
- add the file "lelyVectorGarage.xml" into the zip (found here: ...\Farming Simulator 22\data\placeables\lely\vectorGarage
- change the link to this file in the file "cowBarnBigVector.xml" to this (on line 394):
<feedingRobot linkNode="vectorGarage" class="FeedingRobot" filename="lelyVectorGarage.xml">
1 Comments for Cow Barn Big
thx for the mod. that the "more animals" dont starve to death, you have to add/change following things:
- add the file "lelyVectorGarage.xml" into the zip (found here: ...\Farming Simulator 22\data\placeables\lely\vectorGarage
- change the link to this file in the file "cowBarnBigVector.xml" to this (on line 394):
<feedingRobot linkNode="vectorGarage" class="FeedingRobot" filename="lelyVectorGarage.xml">