Well, i have to say, the main idea is very good. But i have to say i have idea's for changes for better usage.
1. Make the ramp a bit wider, not only 2 lines. It's easy to get on it for people who play it often but not for newbie's.
2. Make a double sided ramp. Because it's very hard , if you can manage it, to get the chipper out again.
3. Make the sides box himself a bit wider. it would make it easier to get in there. If you wan't so for more stability make the backwall a bit higher. That should compensate the wider side walls, so it wouldn't slide around.
you reset the chipper to get him out and sides are so tight to keep him still! the mod works and is fine as it is so just try learning to reverse and you will be fine with the dock
Ok, i don't understand why i should always reset it and have to always drive to the shop/Home ,just to put it 1 mile away, but it's your mod. But i forget something else, that Martin83 wrote ,too. And yes i know u dont undersand german. There are problems with uneven surfaces. There are sometimes big problems that i can place it but the ramp is inches above the ground. I can't tell you what to do, but pls. fix that at least. And btw, the dock station with table works good too.
3 Comments for chipper dock
The mod works just fine as is, so thank you. 5/5
sorry if i dont reply to your message as i dont seem to be getting all of them
Well, i have to say, the main idea is very good. But i have to say i have idea's for changes for better usage.
1. Make the ramp a bit wider, not only 2 lines. It's easy to get on it for people who play it often but not for newbie's.
2. Make a double sided ramp. Because it's very hard , if you can manage it, to get the chipper out again.
3. Make the sides box himself a bit wider. it would make it easier to get in there. If you wan't so for more stability make the backwall a bit higher. That should compensate the wider side walls, so it wouldn't slide around.