Download download Mod 'Amazone AD 303 Super P'

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2 Comments for Amazone AD 303 Super P

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  1. FSmodding 22. 12 2013

    small problem with the MR Version if your implement is not lowering correctly replace the attacher with

    <attacherJoint index="5" jointType="implement" topReferenceNode="6" lowerDistanceToGround="0.4" realWantedLoweredTransLimit="0 0.2 0" realWantedLoweredRotLimit="2 0 2" />

    or download an updated version from the external link..

  2. FSmodding 22. 12 2013

    They were made specifically for our map, so if you want different Multi fruits add them , these only support Defaults, Oat soybean and sunflower..
