Download download Mod 'Lizard R300'

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1 Comments for Lizard R300

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  1. Juergen-Fritz 05. 12 2018

    2018-12-04 22:01 Warning (C:/Users/Juergen/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Lizard_R300_Walze/lizardR5000.xml): Missing 'mass' for 'vehicle.base.components.component(0)'. Using default mass 500kg instead!
    2018-12-04 22:01 Warning (C:/Users/Juergen/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Lizard_R300_Walze/lizardR5000.xml): No width defined for wheel 'vehicle.wheels.wheelConfigurations.wheelConfiguration(0).wheels.wheel(0).physics#width'! Using default value of 0.5!
